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“How sure are you of that?”

“Whenever the Towers light up, the Judges that reign during that time are called to a private meeting inside the Chamber of Champions. A holy fire will appear in the middle of the room, and there, the names of the Champions are revealed.”

Gabriel knew that he had barely even scratched the surface of everything, but he was more surprised that everything came easily to him.

As if these were things he had known before.

The Garden of Eden, Cielterra, the Citadel, the Council, the Judges, the Guardians, the Champions… these were familiar things. Memories, buried and forgotten, yes, but not gone.

Deborah placed a hand on Gideon’s shoulder and took on from there. “Gabriel, I know this is a lot to take in, so we’re giving you until before the Anointing Ceremony to decide whether you would embrace your destiny as a Champion of Eden, or not.”

Saying no was never an option, Gabriel knew that. Not when he wanted his answers. But still, he had to ask. “And if I don’t want to?”

“Then that would really, really suck,” Solenn said in exasperation, “because I did not spend all that time babysitting this oblivious Human  only  for  him  to  turn  back  on  his  duty.”  She  addressed Gabriel, “I understand that this is too much for you. I understand that you don’t remember twat about your past. I understand that we’ve dumped a truckload of information on you and you need time to take this all in. But understand, too, that we can’t sit down and wait as you twiddle your thumbs while you decide whether or not you’ll do something you were supposed to do. Let me make clear what the kindly Judges have been trying to say. We are on the verge of another war.”

Solenn hit a few keys on the panel that appeared before her. Another  three-dimensional  holographic  image  came  to  life,  this one accompanied with sounds. Chills ran down Gabriel’s spine as he heard the clash of sword against sword, of weapon against demon flesh. The hair at the back of his neck rose as he heard the terrifying sound gurgling from the throats of the monsters, of the anguished screams of dying men and women.

“And this war will affect not only this world, but the one you considered yours,” Solenn continued, her voice thick with impatience, frustration and rage. “If we lose this war, we lose everything. You lose everything. The church. The priest. The nun. The kids. They all die when we fail to defend the Garden and the Tree of Life.”

“Die’Erde, the choice is yours,” Solomon said, “but you bear the consequences of your choices. The same goes for you, De Luna, Mal’Diua, Ka’Lua, El Fiero. The Judges are being kind by giving you the time I really don’t think we have. But Solenn and I have to know now. Are you in, or not?”

It probably made sense to everyone in the room, save for Gabriel, that Solenn and Solomon were the most passionate about becoming Champions. They had trained under Samson Ross, whose life revolved around the Guardians and the Garden of Eden. The two had entered the Initiative when they were very young. Their principles, values and purpose were tied with it.

They also knew that there was more to their campaign than what was mentioned. The confrontation with Samson a while ago regarding General Xandros spoke volumes about the motivations of the two Guardians in the Force.

But then again, every one of them had their own motivations, too. Solenn and Solomon had been in the Initiative the longest, but that didn’t mean that the others’ conviction were any less.

Each of them had reasons to stay. They all had things they were fighting for.

“I’m in,” Mateo said, his voice firm. “I’ve always been in. I’ve trained for this all my life. I have no plans of backing out.”

Joana cleared her throat and spoke for the first time since she came in, but her words were powerful. Heavy. “I am a Candidate and I will be a Champion. I choose to be nothing less.”

“As am I,” Selina said.

Lukas smiled and shrugged. “Saving the Worlds, you say? It’s not like I have anything better to do. I’m in.”

All eyes turned to Gabriel. The Judges were calm, quiet, not expecting anything beyond what he could give. The Councilmen were quiet all throughout, but they, too, were pinning Gabriel with their expectant stares. The other Candidates tried to look as casual, but they sat on the edge of their seats, waiting for the answer of their seventh member.

He would, after all, complete the circle. One yes from him, and they will all go to war.

Solenn wasn’t talking, but she was glaring at him. Her eyes were liquid gold under the fractal lights of the room. Warning. Challenging. Daring Gabriel.

On the table, the war raged on. If we lose this war, we lose everything. You lose everything.

But if he stayed, he’d get his answers. He’d get his past. And maybe then, he’d finally be able to build his future.

Gabriel’s voice was firmwhen he spoke. “Yes. I’m in.”

CHAMPIONS (The Lost Chronicles of Eden, #1) [Published]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz