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Unknown: Emily :) and what about you? Also I'm very glad I found a new friend!

Me: emily is very pretty :) my name is kylie and yeah i'm also very glad we met

Emily: We should meet again soon

Meet. Again. Maybe Emily could be someone who will save me from my endless thoughts about Sam and Kylie.

I decided to go to the shower and I left her on open. When I got back after 20 minutes I had 3 unread messages.

From Sam, Kylie and Emily.

Kinda complicated situation.

Kinda complicated situation

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Now what?

Maybe if I'll see all 3 of them, it would be better for me to choose my priority.

Me to Sam: i have plans for tomorrow with my new friends, but I can come later in the evening and spend the night if you want me to :)

Me to Kylie: you can, but only in the morning, 9am - bench ?

Me to Emily: that would be really nice, when I should come over?

I just wish a day could have more than 24 hours. I got replies from them in the matter of 5 minutes.

Sam: Okay baby :) Just call me when i should pick you up tomorrow. Have fun and be safe! Good night :)
Such a sweetheart.

Kylie: Fine
Not very sweet.

Emily: 4pm would be perfect for me. You can stay for how long you want :) we can meet on the crossroads again.
Another sweetheart. But different from Sam. Just friends.

I locked my phone and I closed my eyes. I fell asleep immediately. It was very hard day. Everything was too much for me and if I was sleeping at Sam's, I'm sure we will argue because of my bad mood. And that's not good.

I woke up around 8am, I didn't have enough time to eat, so I only chose something comfortable to wear and I decided to leave home already and I headed to our bench. I was walking slowly and I enjoyed nice weather that was in LA already in the morning.

I got to the bench and she was sitting there. She was first again. I got to her and I sat on the bench next to her. I didn't say a word.

"Hi," she said and she put a single rose on my knees.

I just looked at the rose and back at Kylie, still without any word. I don't what she is trying to do but I let her explain.

"I'm sorry Grace, I didn't mean to be harsh and I didn't mean to push you to kiss me or hold my hand, or kiss you neck. But you have to understand that you could've pull away when I intertwined my hand with yours in the restaurant, or when I was kissing your neck and you were shaking because how nervous you were, you were so close to my lips and you didn't pull away. So what should I think about it huh? I'm really sorry it made you uncomfortable but you were giving me mixed signals and I'm taking every opportunity."

Why is she always so right?

"So for real. I'm sorry. And I understand that and I'm offering you my friendship. I'm not gonna touch you anymore. Only hug. That's all, I promise," she said and she totally convinced me.

"Okay," I said quietly.

"So what about we will have another dinner today?" she asked.

"I have plans today, but any other day?" I asked.

"Okay," she said and she smiled at me. Her soft smile was back.

"And I don't like roses, so here," I said and I put in on her knees this time.

"What do you like then?"

"Sunflowers," I said confidently.

"I'll be better next time," she said and winked at me.

"I need to go now, but we can text later," I stood up.

"Bye," she said and she looked away. I started walking back home.

I got home around 9.30 and I had whole day infront of me until I meet Emily again. I decided to clean the house, because my dad is always so tired after his shift so he usually do dishes and that's all. We're spending very little time together which is kinda sad because we used to be together all the time, but on the other hand I feel little bit free.

It was already 3:50 and I changed my clothes to black jeans and plain white short-sleeve t-shirt because it was still hot outside.
It was 3:57 when I was standing on the place we saw each other yesterday and I texted her that I'm already there.

She came after 5 minutes, she was wearing black shorts and grey tight shirt, she looked very good in it.

"Hi," she said and hugged me.

"How are you?" I asked and we started walking towards the street she's living at.

"Pretty good actually and what about you?"

"I'm great, so do you know any good movies?" I asked.

"I do but you can pick," she chuckled.

We were walking for another 3 minutes and now we were standing infront of the big white house, I could only hardly see their front door, because everywhere were roses and and different kinds of flowers and trees.

"Listen, my family is little bit crazy, not in the bad way they are just making fun of everything, but they're sweet, so please don't mind them, they will be even more weird because you're coming," she chuckled nervously.

"No problem, it would be fun for sure," I smiled.

She entered the house first, I could already hear noises coming from one of the rooms.

"So house tour?" she asked when we were standing in small room with all the shoes and coats.

"Sure," I said.

She opened the door and it was a wide space.

"Oh you're already here?" I could hear woman voice from the right, she appeared after few seconds. She was also short, with long black hair and glasses on tip of her nose.

"Hi," I said and I smiled at her mom.

"Were having house tour and then were going to watch a movie to my room," Emily said to her.

"I'll bring you snacks later," she smiled at us and she disappeared in to kitchen.

"So, this is our living room," she moved to the left and living room was really wide with 3 couches, fireplace and big TV hanging on the wall.

"This in nothing compared to my house," I chuckled.

"And there's a kitchen and there's a bathroom," she said and she pointed her finger on the stairs,"and we're going here because there's my room.

We got to the second floor and she pointed her finger on one of the rooms, the door was red. It looked really cool.
"There's my brothers room, he's very sweet, but he's probably sleeping again," she chuckled and she opened the door probably to her room.

Her room was kinda wide too. She has a huge king size bed in the corner of the room with a led lights above it. She has one big desk with computer and other stuff on it and a different kinds of little flags from different countries pinned above it. It looked really good and modern. She then sat on the bed.

"Come," she said quietly.

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