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According to the literature and basic information on the internet we can describe dream as some type of sucession of images, ideas, sensations and emotions that usually occur in our minds during sleeping. Dreams can also express our deepest fears and desires.

The life I had in that dream is my deepest desire. Having great friends and the love of my life at the same place.
I learned that people can't have dreams with people they've never met or seen on the picture. Our mind can't make up new face just by itself. You have to see that person first. I don't know why I saw everyone so clearly and so perfect.

* * * * *

It was my first day in Botanica restaurant. I wanted to take a walk there, because my dad was already in the work. Just like in that dream. I remember everything. Every detail. I remember everything in Malibu. Even our first night together. I remember her very clearly.

I was hesitating a little bit before opening the door. I really wanted to see Margo again. This dream will haunt me forever.

I opened the door and I saw a girl standing in the middle of the restaurant. It was her. But she was different. Her hair wasn't red. It was grey blue and much longer than before.
She didn't have her phone in her hands as always. She was reading a book instead. I got closer to her with my hands in the pockets of my red hoodie. I was already shaking.

"Hi. My name is Grace and I'm new here. I supossed to come today for my first day of work," I said and she didn't cut me off as always. She looked at me immediately and she was smiling until I finished my sentence.

"Hello. I'm Margaret. Yeah, I know about you, Grace. My mom is in the back. She will tell you everything and I will help you get started," she smiled at me again.

Her face was different. She was quite similar to Margo but Margaret has different lips and nose too, but her eyes were the same.

When I got back from the kitchen, she was still reading that book.

"You would look great with red hair though," I said when I was standing next to her.

"Right? I always wanted red hair," she said quite shocked. I'm sure I was shocked even more than her.

"Also, can I call you Margo? I always thought it's cute and your name fits for that," I asked. "Not like Margaret isn't pretty," I quickly added. I was bold because I knew she would be okay with this. This is still my Margo. My best friend.

"Yeah. No one ever called me that before but I love that idea," she chuckled and she put the book back to the little table that was near us.

I could hear how the doors opened. I froze. I knew the boys will come in now.

And her.

My soulmate.

"Our first customers. You should go," she winked at me and I turned around.

Two boys and two girls. I felt some type of ache in my chest. I can't get over that dream. Can I really love someone based on the dream? But damn it was so real. I can feel her lips on mine every time I close my eyes.

I approach their table. I noticed Tyler is not here.

They're almost the same.

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