Jimmy and Kaldur's Apology

Start from the beginning

The tears in my eyes literally dry up.

"Weeeell, that was unexpected." Dick pipes in.

"But I do apologize for the way we handled the situation. And for the immense hurt, pain, and trauma me and my friends might have caused you."

That kind of put my nerves at ease, but I was still very high strung.

"Why do you not apologize for the way things happened then?" I cautiously asked him

"Because, and forgive me for being so crude, I believe it was a very important learning experience for all of us," he took a step back and examined the room as he continued to speak.

"Each and every person here has grown more as a person and has developed more character from this tragic incident. Again, I would have greatly preferred if your feelings had not been hurt in the event of the actions that had transpired, but I cannot fault in saying that the outcome has made everyone in this room a better person because of it."

He looked away from all his friends in the room and then turns back to me.

"But this should go without saying, Kara Zor-El, I , Kalduruam, apologize deeply and immensely apologize for being the catalyst for all that has transpired."

It seems to me that it hurt more for him to apologize to me, seeing that the situation was more of an attack on his character.

He opened his mouth to say more but I quickly stopped him.

"No, you shouldn't apologize to me." I quickly blurted out. "You shouldn't be forced to have to."

I see him freeze up a little, but ultimately doesn't try to deny my words.

Everyone else in the room looks at us expectantly, as if trying to understand what was going on between the two of us.

"I can see his heartbeat. His heart rate is accelerated and his body seems to be undergoing a lot more stress over what he is trying to do, and his actions may be taking a toll on him mentally as well."

Before anyone could say anything else, I look away from them and train my eyes dead back on Kaldur.

"You do not need to apologize for anything," I made sure to tell him as firmly as possible, squeezing my left hand onto his right shoulder for emphasis.

"I may not understand much of what is going on, but what I do know is that you were being your authentic self yesterday, and I was the idiot who said something that hurt your feelings. You shouldn't have to apologize for me hurting you just because I also got hurt in the process. But you can apologize for me GETTING hurt...if that makes sense."

I look down at my feet trying to process what I had just said. Sometimes the English language can be a bit difficult, so I hope I was able to convey what I'm trying to say accurately.

I took a deep breath and then switch to speaking Atlantean.

I could see the visible shock and hear the deep surprised gasps everyone in the room took.

"Is she speaking his native language?" Jimmy asked.

"Yes. Now shut up." dick quickly responded.

I tried, to the absolute best of my limited abilities, to relay everything I had just said to Kaldur in his native tongue, in hopes that I could better convey what I was trying to say.

When I was done speaking, all I was met with was Kaldur's shocked expression, with a fearfully raised arm and one finger pointed at me.

"When did you..." He wasn't even able to finish the sentence.

I mildly blushed a bit and looked away, tucking a stray strand of my hair behind my ear.

"When I first landed on earth and Batman kept me under strict lock and key at Superman's fortress, I had nothing better to do than to learn any language I could get my hands on while I tried to understand this strange new planet that I landed on. I'm also really smart so-"

But then my heart sank as it suddenly hit me.

Jimmy was still in the room!

I violently whip my head back up to look but I was instantly comforted by the sight of Dick having both his hands clap tightly over Jimmy's ears, and Jimmy giving him a sort of irritated look.

"Don't worry, Kara, continue," Dick replied back to me with a nearly bored tone.

So much for being smart, I snarkily thought to myself. I blew the stray strand of my hair out of my face in mild frustration at my embarrassingly stupid action.

All of a sudden, Kaldur reached out and wrapped me in the tightest hug I'd experienced in a while.

"Thank you," was all he simply said.

"And I'm sorry," he finished off the hug with a whisper.

He then quickly turned away from me and moved back to the absolute end of the kitchen on the complete opposite side of me.

Did-did I see tears in his eyes!?

I feared for my translation of Atlantean and hoped greatly that I said the correct things and didn't just insult his mother or something in his native language/

Kadur's apology may not have been the most satisfying, if I'm speaking honestly and truthfully to myself, but it was the most cathartic because it got to the root of the issues, and the problem was resolved in the best way possible and should have been how things were resolved initially from the start to begin with.

I took a deep breath, soaking up all that was said, and pushed myself off the counter, wholeheartedly thinking that the whole apology session was over, but then I got caught completely off-guard.

"Now it's my turn," Connor suddenly said, moving forward from where he'd been leaning up against the wall.

Was I also about to get an apology.....from Connor!?!?

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