When Our Names Are Not Our Names

Start from the beginning

And maybe give him a new name. The one which has no connection to the Creators. That has nothing to do with them. But as I see the boy in front of me struggling to keeps his composure, I know that I have to wait. Newt has a responsibility. He is the Second in Command and sadly, right now the Glade comes before him.

I love you. I mouth.

I love you too. He mouths back.

When the commotion subdues, Thomas begins again, "They want to know how we react to the things they call Variables, and Teresa is one."

I'm completely lost here. When I think about variable, all that comes to my mind are, lots of algebraic equations with X's and y's. How can Teresa be a Variable? What does it mean?

Is Teresa is like an X in an equation? Then what is the equation? Does that mean that Teresa is an integral part? And if she is, then she is important for whom? For us or for the Creators?

"They want us to try to solve problems that have no solutions and build a community- a living and fully functioning community with least means provided, from barren ground."

The Glade. Built from ground by a bunch of lost boys.

"They want to find a solution. A cure for something called the Flare- no idea what it means."

"Is it all?" Alby asks.

"No." Thomas gulps, his fingers drumming against his knees.

"Oh no," Minho mutters, "Thomas has 'the look' on his face."

"Say what?" Frypan asks.

" 'The look'. The look someone gives before a plot twist."

"Minho, shut it!" Alby snaps, rubbing his face, tiredly.

"I....I saw myself in the lab. With those people. Working with them, helping them."

The boys look like they've been slapped on the face. They sit like a statue, not understanding anything that the boy just said.

"I helped them. I helped them do the testing. I created the Maze. I created it. I watched you guys in the Glade, sitting in some kind of Control Room, until they send me up here. I saw you guys' memories being wiped. "

The fuck?

I knew Thomas was important but he built the Maze?

"If I were you all, I- I would've murdered me, but trust me, guys, I don't know why I helped them. I just know that I was brainwashed into helping them. And Teresa was there all along too and I'm sure that she was forced into this too."

There is this stunned and pungent silence. No one says anything. No one talks. No one even moves a muscle.

"I don't think any of that matters." Newt says, "We can't be dwelling on the past. Your memories are gone and you are here, so all your connections with he Creators are gone too."

Most of the boys nod in agreement.

"Did you remember anything else?" Alby asks.

Thomas nods, "The codes that we've found in the Maps, they are all to be used as out exit out of this place. The Griver Hole, that's our exit."

"You mean that invisible bottomless Cliff?" Frypan stares at Thomas wide eyed.

"No, there is this about seven by six inches rectangular place. Anything that falls in that area, vanishes. That's the Griver Hole." Minho says.

"So we have the codes. We have the Griver Hole. So right now we should be packing our bags right? Let's leave this place." I say.

"Its not that simple. Don't you remember the Griever's crawling all over the place? Which by the way, have become even more smarter?" Teresa says for the first time.

"We fight. We are fighting here, we fight there. Just let's get out of here." Minho says.

"People will die. Do you even know how many of us are alive?" Joe says.

"Aren't we dying here?" Minho snaps, "They are coming in every night, trapping us like a bunch of mice in mouse trap and devouring us every night. At least we fight back and smash them."

"Thomas, Ally and Minho have shown that the Grievers can be killed. So, we can kill them." Eddie says.

"Thomas, you have something else to share?" Alby ask and Thomas shakes his head. "Fine. So, we keep this information to ourselves and in this walls only. Not a single word to anyone out there. And later, I will take a vote of every single Glader to decide what to do."

The boys nod and disperse. I stretch, my legs paining for standing so long. Thomas comes to me. "I have something to tell you. Something that I got to know about you."

"I had a feeling that you weren't over dropping the bombs over us."

"Do you hate me? For making the Maze, I mean?"

"No, no, not at all. You said it yourself- you were brainwashed."

The Gathering Hall was empty. "Is here good? For talking?" I ask. Thomas nods.

"Not all of us were actually taken from our parents for testing. You, were taken for doing WICKED's dirty work. I don't remember much but, you and us- the boys, we weren't supposed to meet. But somehow we did, and we become best friends. And slowly I guess, you understood how wrong they were and you stopped listening to them- which they didn't like.

"They punished you and tortured you, and made me see it. They knew that if I saw it, I would tell the others too. So every single time you were tortured, I was there. And I couldn't-couldn't help you. I didn't know how. And I remember your screams and pleads but I didn't know how. They very rarely allowed me to visit you but then they always had CCTVs set up. I didn't know how to get you out of there.

"I-I don't know how, but somehow I got you out and I sent you up here. I don't know why I thought that it would be okay for you to come, I just saw me and Teresa keeping your unconscious body in the Box."

"To save me from them." I say, "You must have realized that I would probably die in there so you sent me up here. Any place, I guess, was better than that. I-I used to have nightmares all the time. And most of them were me being in pain and blood and torture. I didn't know why but I was treated like a prisoner and like-like a shit in there. Every single time."

"So you believe me? Right? You know that I'm not making this all up."

"Yeah. I know. Your story matches with my memories. But one thing I don't understand. Why did you wipe my memories then? If you were helping me then why did you think that I would be useful without my memories?"

Thomas gives a sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose. "That's what I don't understand."



the book is almost over!!

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