☠︎︎Imposter ☠︎︎[5]

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"Imposter? What lies are you sprouting now kokichi"
Blames Maki

"Imposter you say? How intriguing of you, is it because you believe his true self is gone, his personality before hand vanished, intuition or do you perhaps have solid proof that only your own bare eyes witnessed"
There was a quick understanding between the Oma and Korekyio as they were somehow in an unseen agreement. But now the whole table had heard, all eyes on kokichi.

"Huh? Imposter?"
Kiibo thought aloud and turned his head in Kokichi's direction.
"What do you mean?"

Cats out of the bag now, let's see how much I can accomplish.

"I mean what I mean idiot, this boy before you is Shuichi Saihara, before the game"

There were whispers some gasps and others wide-eyed.

"This my people, is my sadistic stalker pregame style"

"Wait sadistic stalker? Oma stop lying to us, just be quiet already"
Whines the Ultimate 'mage'.

"Do you know Himiko, I think we'd suffer less if that annoying mouth of yours shut up for one moment, the grown ups are speaking so go practice your little magic tricks. Also please fir the love of God be honest and stop leading Tenko on and using her you bully"
The purple haired leader was close from snapping. He was done with this bullshit, all of it. He gets a stalker, gets cut with a knife and now is being stared at with unbeilivng eyes after he let's the truth tell if his tongue for once.

"Degenerate male! You take that back you bully, back off Himiko right now, apologise or I shall use my Neo-Aikiddo on you"

"Oh really~? You say that but I've never seen you in action, do it, I dare you. Protecting Himiko, the most lazy and useless among us? Take this to heart, stick around that child and she'll be the death of you"

"Kokichi stop being so mean"

"Oh don't get me started miss cosplay. God your innocent, plain act is boring, cut the crap and get a proper life"

"Dude stop it. Your just being a pest"

"Me? A pest? Take a look in the mirror Ultimate astronaut. I mean who styles their hair like that anymore, catch up to date. And correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that creep Saihara your sidekick? You just use that as a petit excuse to slack off, he is the only one in your little duo he does the slightest bit of work"

Everyone stared in disbelief. Kaito was a mixture of shock and anger while Tenko looked on the verge of tears, Himiko actually seemed ashamed and Tsumugi just blinked.

The judgemental faces stuck inside Kokichi's mind and the jeering sneer on Shuichi's face was almost mocking the liar. Kiibo concentrated on the ground as though his feet wwre the most interesting thing and Gonta stood up.

"You need a talk too kokichi"

"Oh please I'm sick and tired of-"

"Gonta says it's okay to be mean and angry as long as your a gentleman about it. We all lose friends here and it makes Gonta's friends cry. Kokichi you need to go bug hunting because all those sad noices coming from your room is bad and makes Gonta worried for kokichi"

"You don't care, even if you did you have no reason to"

"That's wrong. I do care because kokichi is my best friend. You told Gonta you loved bugs and then when everyone left you told me of many interesting different bugs. You look for glasses when Gonta looses them and even teaches Gonta reading in the library in free time-"

"Shut up! Go away all of you, I hate all of you! Your fake words of friendship, peace, happiness! What happened when Rantaro was killed, kaede the murderer, Ryoma drowned and Kirumi executed! Go rot in hell"
Kokichi stormed out of the cafeteria and ran into the library.

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