Down to My Skin and Bone

50 2 16



*Disclaimer* : Anyone who still supports J.K. Rowling may kindly leave. You are not welcome here.

I'm not usually unwelcoming, but we don't accept anyone who is actively harming marginalized groups in society by spreading harmful and inaccurate beliefs about them.

Everyone else who's still in the fandom despite all this shit (because no one can't take away your happiness except you), please enjoy.

Thanks to ThoseFookin_Avacados and LaksDas for reassuring me that this isn't absolute shit. Love you guys 💕

I suggest listening to the song while reading. Thanks for clicking, I hope you enjoy <3


"Γհε τʀυτհ ιៜ τհε ៜταʀៜ αʀε ẜαℓℓιƞᎶ, βαβε αƞδ I'δ ƞε⋎εʀ ε⋎εʀ τհɸυᎶհτ τհατ I wɸυℓδ ៜαψ, I'ʍ αẜʀαιδ ɸẜ τհε ℓιẜε τհατ I'⋎ε ʍαδ3."


The middle-aged man scrambled, tripping over his feet and clutching his stomach as his legs carried him to safety. Sirius tried to ignore his own blood-soaked knuckles.

His hoodie was pulled back over his head as he walked out of the dark alley, to a full moon shining down on the quiet and deserted street. His right palm moved over the other hand's wet, red knuckles as his heart slowed down.

The dingy motel approached, with scraped off paint and graffiti covered walls. Neon lights flickered, telling him that he was actually approaching a 'MTEL'.

The plastic rectangle; with a key attached, its sides eroded (like cheese nibbled by rats), and a large 17 written on it was scraped across the desk to a still sleeping man.

The bell didn't make any noise as his palm landed on it, so he knocked on the wooden surface twice with his right hand, maybe a little too hard.

The man grunted and opened one eye. "What?" A customer was obviously not what their business needed; Sirius' presence seemed to be a great inconvenience.

Both of his eyes were now squinting at where Sirius was pointing at the locker key. After taking in a long, suffering breath, he dragged his feet to the compartment behind him marked 17.

A pristine, white letter was placed on the desk, it's clean appearance in contrast with the barely held together building. It held a scribbled note that he recognized as that of Wormtail, the Dark Lord's assistant and personal scribe, containing the destination of the next hideout.

The place wasn't incredibly far but leaving Regulus and going that far was not something he was going to risk. If anything happened to his baby brother, his mother would probably still get to him faster than any of his 'colleagues' ever could.

Sirius scanned the place, tutting at the water-stained walls, forming a whole lot of assumptions about the place over the entire three minutes he'd been there. Regardless, the unpleasant memories and distaste were swallowed right down as he placed a wad of cash in front of the sleepy man. "Just for the night, please."

The man pocketed the bills and handed him the key to a room as Sirius searched for a lift that didn't exist.


With a clean body and an unclean soul, mind and conscience, Sirius' feet moved out of the shower, towel wrapped around his waist. Grabbing the mobile phone, he sent a 'pack your bags, I'll be there in the morning' to Regulus as he sat beside the windowsill. A few minutes passed as he put on fresh clothes, when his brother texted him back.

Ease || Wolfstar AUजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें