Chapter 18

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I was pacing at the entry of the compound waiting for the guys. I was nervous I wanted to know if the guy had talked about something or if I will be able to go and talk to him any time soon.
I had one of those gut feelings, that was telling me that something wasn't right with the capture of this guy, I mean what kind of evil organization just leaves a guy like that, that by the way could be a potentially threat to their organization if he ever knew things about them. You'd expect him to be dead, but 'lucky' him we found him alive.

I saw the jet arriving and they all went out of it, they looked so good, a small explosion in the background and a slomo of them walking and bam you'd have a movie, I laughed at the though but brushed it off quickly when Nat entered first then all of them followed.

"How was it?" I asked as she gives me a quick hug then let's go,
"Fishy, I don't know why but it smells like a trap to me, I would have killed him but they were all against it." She said shrugging her shoulders, and Tony passed by us, sighed and bumped into my shoulder me on his way, I quickly turned to him he had his back to me,

"Euhm excuse me?" I said to him, he looked over his shoulder and coldly said,
"You're excused." I scoffed, what was his problem.
"Leave him be, he's been like that ever since Fury called us to go." Steve said coming next to me and giving me a quick hug too, which surprised me since he never hugged me before, but his calm and nonchalant posture made me not overthink it.
"The guy is on his period, I'm sure of it." Clint said a smirk on his lips but sounding really serious.

We started to walk towards the control room and all sat around the big table,
"So what do we know so far." Uncle Nick asked,
"Well we just know his name for now, Jonathan L. We don't know his last name, we just know it starts with L." Said Nat,
"Yeah the guy started saying his last name but only fainted a slip of second later, so we just know it starts with L." Said Wanda,
"Good, not enough but it's a start! I want someone to go interrogate this man as soon as it will be possible." Nick said sternly, I quickly shot my hand up in the air.

"I'd love to go, and besides no one knows me, I could even dress up as a nurse." I said looking around me,
"Out of question!" Uncle Nick said quickly,
"Sir if I may, she has a point, he won't talk to us, he knows who we are, he won't know her." Steve said, looking at Nick and back at me with one of his heartwarming smiles. Fury rolled his eyes and sighed, as if thinking about the request.
"Fine, I want her to have a cam, a earpiece, everything on her, I want her out of there if it ever becomes too weird or anything strange happens. Are we clear!" He said looking at everyone, I just smiled on my spot, nervousness starting to wake up in the pitch of my stomach. They all nodded and we left the control room. My first ever 'mission', now I was getting nervous.

"We are good for the rest of the day, I don't think he will wake up any time soon anyway. Tomorrow morning, I want everybody here at 9 a.m. not one minute later, I want to brief everyone and make sure nothing goes badly. " said uncle Nick, and we all nodded understanding. 

"By the way where is Stark?" he asked as we all looked at each other and I rolled my eyes at the though of what happened earlier, Nick sighed as if he understood that some things never change, he wished us a good night and he motioned us to leave the control room.

As we were leaving the room, Peter left talking with Wanda, Vision and Steve, I was walking back to the day care with Nat,

"What's his problem really?" I said under my breath not even realising I was talking out loud,

"Who? Stark? Don't beat yourself about it, the man is a mystery and as serious attitude issues." she said rolling her eyes, as I pushed the door of the day care nodding at her words, I couldn't let his attitude get to me. As soon as I saw Aly, I forgot all about Stark and hugged the baby girl in my arms tightly, making her giggle and play with my hair.

After saying our goodbyes to agent Tam, we went back to the room as Nat went to go change I gave a bath to Aly, I really had missed her and taking care of her, her big beautiful eyes looking into mine, full of innocence full of trust. I always adored the smiled of babies, they are genuine they aren't fake, they will never judge you they will never have hidden intentions, they are just the purest of all. After putting her in a pyjama I could see her rub her eyes, I put her in her other crib that I could make move thanks to the wheels on it.

I didn't let her out of my sight as I took a shower and as I dried my hair I saw that she had fallen asleep, I changed into some yoga pants and my large Levis black t-shirt, I put my Nikes on and pushed the rolling crib out of the room and towards the kitchen, which I should call lazy room or chill room, because yes the kitchen is here but there are so many things to do too over there than just eat and cook. I placed the crib near one of the couch that was far from all the noise, and programmed my phone to the camera inside the crib in case she needs something. 

I made my way towards the guys and sat next to Thor who smiled at me, lately he's been friendlier and less weird than his usual self whenever he was next to me.

"You know, I knew your mom." he started and I turned on my seat to face him and looked at him a small smile on my face,

"Really?" I asked waiting for him to explain the whole thing to me,

"Yeah, well actually I knew her when I was a kid, she would visit often, she always liked to play with me a Loki." he said looking in the distance and smiling at the memory, but then it just clicked in my brain,

"Wait, but you're from Asgard, how would my mom ever be able to go there?" I asked him a puzzled look on my face, he then furrowed his eyebrows and faced me,

"Well I, I never thought about that." he said now wearing the same puzzled look as I was, as I looked passed Thor I saw Tony enter the room and roll his eyes at the sight of me speaking with Thor.

"Will you excuse me a second?" I asked Thor as he nodded and took a sip off his beer, I walked towards Tony and he instantly turned around and went towards the doors to exit the kitchen, my angriness took the best of me and I used my powers unwillingly and made him freeze on his tracks.

"Now that's cheating." he said has I appear in front of me with my hands sparkling  still as my patience was running low.

"Talk about childish what is up with you? I mean since breakfast you haven't said a word, you gave me an attitude and you're straight up rude." I told him seriously, and he just looked at me,

"Rude? I am not the one going around flirting with every male in this team." he said harshly and my heart tightens, was that what he thought? At this point everyone was quiet and turned to us, I could've sworn I heard gasps.

"Excuse me?" I said to him as I felt anger running in my body and my hands started to sparkle some more.

"C'mon don't tell me you're not doing this for fun, having Capsicle's attention, the attention of a God, the attention of Peter, hell even I fell for it." he said with a sarcastic smirk that made my heart sink and my vision was getting blurry.

"Stark!" I heard Steve spat at him, he still had his awful smirk on his face, I looked around, closed my eyes to make the tears go away but when I opened them I could see their face change, my eyes weren't their normal color anymore, they were purple.

"Mia, he's not worth it." said Nat, coming towards me trying to calm me down.

"You know what Stark, at the beginning I thought it was jealousy, it was kind of flattering, knowing I never had a boyfriend, and never ever got that kind of attention. To all of you guys, I am sorry if you tried or did flirt with me I didn't realise, having people around and friends and family was a new feeling and I guess I just wanted to be nice and have a good relationship with everyone, but I guess I am innocent in that department, but trust me," I said now looking back at Stark, "I will make sure I never do that mistake again." I said a tear falling down my cheek, Stark was now levitating a bit I guess my anger got the best of me and I looked back at everyone wiped my tear away and stopped using my powers on Tony causing him to fall on the floor. 

"Nat, I need to catch some air, could you watch Aly for me, she's sleeping anyway, here take my phone it'll tell you if she wakes up." I tell her throwing my phone at her and she caught it immediately, I looked at all of them and at Tony still on the floor then rushed out the doors, and outside. I needed some air, I needed to think about something else, I needed to be tougher at least around some people.

A Part Of It  (Avengers)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora