"Mr and Mrs. Min" Jin said bowing to them. Namjoon and Taehyung did the same

"Oh? Seokjin-ah? You're here? Whats wrong? Do you know what happened to our Yoongi" The woman said in a panicky tone

"No.... that's why we're here ma'am. We need your help finding him. Also, there's someone you need to meet" Jin said pointing to Taehyung

Taehyung looked wide eyed "I-I-I'm Kim Taehyung, n-nice to finally meet you" He then bowed

"Seokjin-ah, we're worried about our son. Not here for a busine—"

"I know Yoongi, I know him. H-He's my boyfriend"

The two parents looked at him in shock. Namjoon and Jin gave each other a look and nodded

"Taehyung here needs your help to find your son. We all need your help" Namjoon said


The five adults sat awkwardly in the room. Tea cups were placed in front of them. Mrs.Min asked one of the maids to prepare some tea for all of them.

"Now who are you? Did you take Yoongi?"

"I promise you, I mean no harm to anyone. Yoongi, he— months ago.... He decided to run away with me after his husband nearly killed him that night of the party"

Mrs. Min gasped "S-So it's true? That Cha Junghoon really hurt him... how do I know you're not lying. Are you trying to plane a scheme against my family? What do you want money?!"

Jin sighs "No Mrs. Min, our Taehyung here isn't a bad person. A few months ago, and and Namjoon visited Yoongi. He was living peacefully with Taehyung. Unharmed... and happy. Happier than he ever lived being with Junghoon"

Mrs.Min broke down in tears, and Mr. Min comforted his wife "Continue to explain"

"I use to live in Seoul before I moved back to the countryside with my mother. In Seoul, me and your son crossed paths often. We were friends. I gave him comfort because he would always tell me how unhappy he was with his life. With his his family.... and especially with his husband" Taehyung looked at nothing in particular talking fondly about the love his life "I wanted to cheer him up. So I took him to places he's never been and made him better

It was that night of the party I had to move back with my mother. Yoongi stopped me at the right time, and told me he was in danger and what his husband did. H-He looked badly beaten... he begged me to come with me. He wanted to escape his this overwhelming life" Taehyung explained

Yoongi's parents looked at him in shock. They looked somewhat guilty. It was then that Namjoon and Jin took over and explained how Yoongi was never happy at home because of how obsessed his parents are with having a pristine family image. His parents took in every word and in the end they were even more upset with themselves

"No....No I don't want Yoongi to hate us... I love my son! I'm so sorry he felt isolated for all these years" Mrs.Min cried in her husband's arms

Mr.Min looked emotional as well. He patted his wife's back and you can even noticed a test slipped from his eyes. Mr.Min is known to be a strict man. But yet he showed his true emotions when it came to his son. Taehyung, Namjoon, and Jin felt a spark of hope and happiness in that moment. Yoongi's parents actually did care for their son after all.

"I need to make things right... I need my son back" Mr.Min said trying to not get choked up "We all need him back"

"Yoongi, he's currently six months pregnant right now with our child." Taehyung said "Please we need your power to get him back"

"Right, and you can't be concerned about your family image. This case has become public by now. Your pride needs to be set aside for your son" Seokjin tells them

Yoongi's parents nodded their heads in agreement and immediately started calling people on the phone after hearing that. Seokjin smiles, happy to know that his best friend will be back home soon. He patted Taehyung's shoulder.

"Get all our allies and every police chief to find Min Yoongi, right now!" Mr. Min shouted into the phone and to his personal assistant



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