Chapter Sixty Four

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~The Inner Battle~

"Come with me Miss Potter!" Professor Snape demanded.

I was innocently sitting in the great hall with my best friends both Luna and Erin, I saw Harry heavily breathing right next to Snape so I immediately got concerned. I quickly stood right up and followed after them without asking questions.

The three of us including Professor Snape were walking down a spiral stair case quickly. I had no idea what was going on, "It appears there is a connection between your's and the dark lord's mind Harry." Snape explained.

What the hell was that supposed to mean?

We finally ended up in this room and I just decided to listen to the ongoing conversation between my brother and the professor.

I was sitting on the cold stone floor with my back leaned against a wall, Harry sat down in a chair as Snape looked through certain items.

"Pray that the dark lord remains ignorant, there is hope that he doesn't know about the connection between your guy's mind."

"You mean, if he finds out, he'll be able to read my mind?" Asked Harry.

"Read it." Snape answered, "Control it, unhinge it. In the past, it was the dark lord's pleasure to invade the minds of his victims. Creating visions, designed to torture them into madness."

I noticed that there was sweat dripping down from Harry's dark blue long sleeve shirt.

Professor Snape turned to me, "Have you seen any odd visions, that make you feel mad or that I should be concerned about?"

I thought about it for a moment, I haven't had any sort of vision in quite a while, "No I have not."

Snape turned back to Harry, "Used properly, the power of Occlumency will shield your mind. In these lessons I will attempt to penetrate your mind and you will attempt to resist. Prepare yourself."

I had no idea what Occlumency was, but the way Snape described it made it seem absolutely horrifying.

Snape yelled the spell and Harry was groaning in pain, I wanted to do something, but I'm pretty sure Snape was trying to help Harry.

Apparently Snape found a memory that Harry didn't want anybody else to see, "That's private." He stated.

"Not to me. Not to the dark lord. Every memory you have is a weapon he can use against you. You wouldn't last two seconds if he invades your mind."

Harry had no response, he was breathing heavily and looked angry.

"You're just like your father." Snape announced.

"Lazy, arrogant!"

Harry stood up from the chair he was previously sitting in, "Don't say a word against my father!"

"What the hell is your problem?!" I yelled, I stood up from the hard floor.

"Weak." Snape continued listing traits he thought about our father.

"I'm not weak!" Harry hollered.

"You both are!" Snape yelled back at us.

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