0.21 It's Not The Same Anymore, Rex Orange County

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Waking up with a migraine sucks. I had forgotten how much it sucked until waking up after this long night of drinking. On top of the hangover, my eye was hurting significantly more now it was no longer being numbed by the effects of alcohol. I sat up in my bed and stretched my arms above my head before groaning at the pounding pain in my temple. I noticed that my room looked very different to how it had the night before. Empty bottles and cups littered every available surface and the sheets had been stripped from my mattress. I sighed as I thought about how badly the rest of the house must look if this was the reality of my room after only spending a few hours in it.

I rolled out of bed, stumbling slightly over a shoe that was left in the middle of the floor. Looking down at it made me register what I was wearing. Grey sweatpants sat loosely on my hips with a familiar oversized black sweater covering my top half despite the fact I had no memory of changing, or Brodie still being around when me, Kayla and Carrie carried on drinking after everyone had left. I made my way over to the windows before throwing open the curtains, wincing at the bright sunshine that flooded into the room, alerting me to that fact that it was probably midday. Noises came from underneath me which prompted me to throw my hair into a bun before investigating the sounds.

Walking into the hallway, my fears from before were showed to be valid. The house seemed to be trashed, looking much worse that it had the night before. I made my way down the stairs, gobsmacked at the state of the house. I dreading when Trevor came home and saw how badly we had messed everything up, but to my surprise, I walked into the kitchen to find him and Carrie laughing together whilst cooking what I assumed was lunch.

"There she is. Quite the shiner you're rocking there." Trevor said, sounding extremely amused. I barely acknowledged him before I had made my way to the warm coffee pot, an poured myself a steaming cup and slid onto the chair next to him.

"I seem to be missing a few things that happened last night." Carrie giggled before placing a plate in front of me. "The house is trashed. These are not my clothes. What happened?" I said before digging into my meal.

"Well. After the Luke incident, you couldn't find anything to wear so Brodie gave you his stuff before he drove home. And then you found my dads wine cellar." Trevor shook his head and scoffed.

"Drank the good stuff as well." I groaned and placed my head on the cool marble surface.

"That's why it hurts so bad. Wine drunk hits differently."


After eating lunch, I decided to get a shower before helping Carrie and her dad tidy the rest of the house. We had finally finished the vacuuming when Trevor left the room to take a phone call he was receiving. I flopped onto the couch and closed my eyes, still feeling quite sensitive to different lights and sounds in the room.

"Do you think that you're gonna try and talk to Luke at school on Monday?" Carrie questioned, cautiously. I smirked and shook my head, ignoring the pang inside my chest.

"I meant what I said last night. They want to act like I'm the one who changed? Like I'm the villain? Then I'll show them what a villain looks like." Carrie frowned and pulled me into a sitting position so I could make eye contact with her.

"I'm not sure if that's a brilliant idea though River. It's not who you are. Trust me, I've been the person who everyone sees as the villain and it sucks. Just think about it."

"What's there to think about Care? He has made it very clear that things have changed so why should I keep clinging to the past?" I knew what she was saying but I was still filled with such a huge rage over what had happened at the party, I didn't care. I wanted to make them feel the same pain that they had made me feel, no matter the cost.


Hello again!

I am so sorry for the delay in replying to comments and even just uploading. I have been so overwhelmed with things happening in my personal life so I couldn't find a lot of time to write, hence the shorter chapter. I will try and get back into a writing routine once again. Thank you to everyone that has continued to support me and my story!! Over 3000 reads is a crazy amount! 

I love you all,

icantenglish xxx

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