0.8 Where's My Love (Acoustic), SYML

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After everyone had finished eating, I followed Julie to her bedroom, feeling pretty nervous about talking to the girl I knew had captured Luke's heart. She was sat in the middle of her bed clutching a pillow, and I realised she was just as anxious as I was. Julie leant forward and patted the end of the bed for me to sit on, which I obliged with. 

"So what did you want to talk about?" She said in a soft voice. I smiled at her whilst pulling at the threads of my t-shirt. 

"Um, nothing particular, I just wanted to get to know you," Conflicted as to whether or not I should ask her about Luke, I glanced out the window, gazing at the trees rustling in the wind.  She inhaled, seeming relived about what I had said, and leant back casually against the wall behind her. 

"Well, fire away." And we spoke for hours. She told me all about her family and friends, what she liked to do when she's not at school, even stories she had about the few months she had spent with the guys. I was hesitant to share details about my life from before I was taken to the club, but after a few questions, I found myself opening up a bit more than I expected though I managed to avoid any questions about my relationship with the boys. 

Before I knew it, the sky had gotten dark and it was way past midnight, though it was a Saturday, so neither of us really minded. Things were going great until she asked me the one question I was dreading.

"So, how close were you with Luke?" She questioned, innocently. I didn't really know how to answer as I didn't know anything about her personal relationship with the boy.

"I could ask you the same thing," I tried to joke, but her eyes flashed and she pushed some of her hair behind her ear, causing my heart to start thumping.

"Well, I would say I'm closer to him out of all the guys." She said slowly. Just as I was about to answer, a soft knock on the door saved me from the rest of this awkward conversation. Julie stood up off the bed, and opened the door revealing Alex stood there.

"Hey girls, I just came to get River and show her to our room." He said seeming a bit guilty for interrupting our discussions, little did he know I was extremely grateful for the disruption. "I can come back later if you want?" He said starting to turn around to leave again. I shot up off the bed and stumbled over to the door.

"No, no it's fine, we can carry this on later, right Julie?" I said, before walking out and not waiting for her response, Alex hot on my tail.

"Yeah, right. Night guys." She called from behind.


Alex, guided me out of the house, calling goodnight to Ray and Carlos before leading me towards the studio.

"So what did you guys talk about? A certain guitarist comes to my mind..." He said wiggling his eyebrows at me. I groaned and shoved him to the side.

"You actually interrupted at the perfect time. She had just asked me about him and I had no idea what to say." I replied whilst coming to a stop outside the studio doors after hearing a soft guitar melody coming from inside. Alex opened his mouth to reply but I shushed him.

"Cold bones, yeah, that's my love, She hides away, like a ghost

Ooh, does she know that we bleed the same? Ooh, don't wanna cry but I break that way

Cold sheets, oh, where's my love? I am searching high, I'm searching low in the night"

Luke sung the words softly, a very different style to what he usually had. He sounded incredible, but extremely sad. The song came to an end abruptly and I was speechless. Though he only sung a few lines, I hadn't heard Luke sing with so much emotion since he sung Unsaid Emily for the first time. Something in the lyrics and his voice really resonated with me and I felt an overwhelming urge to go into the room and embrace him but before I could do anything Reggie's cheerful voice overtook the room.

"Where do you think Alex and River are?" He said loudly, oblivious to the vulnerability that Luke just experienced. When we heard that we jumped into action, and walked into the studio like we hadn't heard anything.

"And that's what woke means, oh hey guys." Alex said pretending he only just realised that Reggie and Luke were in the studio. I shook my head and cringed. He made it so obvious but I tried to change the subject before they picked up on it.

"Soo," I chuckled nervously. This was the first time me and the guys had been alone since I had gotten back and I had no clue how to act around them. "It's been a while." Alex and Reggie murmured in agreement and I looked to see how Luke reacted. To my surprise, he was already staring at me.

"Do you wanna have that chat now?" I was extremely nervous but I knew that we had to do this. I opened my mouth to say yes but I was took over by a yawn. I slapped my hand over my mouth and felt my face turning red as I heard everyone laughing.

"It's not funny it has been an extremely long day." I pouted and crossed my arms, pretending to be annoyed. Luke just rolled his eyes and threw his arm around my shoulder, leading me to the place I assumed I would be sleeping.

"Get some sleep tonight, Junie, we can talk tomorrow."


I woke up feeling nervous that the events of the day before were all a dream but when I heard the soft snores coming from the couch, I knew I was still home. I sat up in my makeshift bed and realised I had been in the same clothes for over 24 hours and started to feel really dirty. I quietly climbed up the ladders to the small loft space that was filled with bags of random junk and I wondered if any of my old clothes were still here from before. After rooting around for a while I finally came across an entire collection of my things that were kept here when I was living here full time, so I decided to get a shower and get ready for the day.



its gonna happen


I have been so excited to finally write moments between River and Luke and that is exactly what will be happening in the next chapter. Sorry for dragging out the lack of interaction between them but i think its important to the story line soooo...

anywho, thanks for reading,

icantenglish xxx

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