0.13 Never Start, Middle Kids

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After walking out of the studio and away from the house, what I had done finally dawned on me. Where was I supposed to go. I had no money, no friends or family and it was going to get dark soon. A feeling of panic settled over me and I made my way towards the beach where me and Luke had taken photos together less than 24 house ago. I pulled my phone out of my pocket to look at the pictures once again when a small piece of paper fell from my pocket to the floor. It had a number scribbled onto it, and I knew exactly what it was.

I opened the call section of the phone and typed the number, checking it twice before dialling.

"Hello?" The voice answered cautiously.

"Um, Hi. It's River Beckett you gave me your number today." I replied, hoping she remembered who I was.

"Oh yes of course. Hi River, what can I do for you?" Carrie said brightly.

"You said if I ever needed anything, that I could call you. Well I need a favour." My voice got weaker and weaker and I carried on talking as I was so close to crying.

"What's the matter, are you okay?" She said, sounding concerned.

"Could you come get me? Please? I have no where to go." I said openly crying. I heard muffled sounds on the other end and a door slamming.

"Where are you?" I sat on a bench and started describing where I was, not knowing the names of any streets or landmarks, but she managed to figure out my location and was driving towards me.

After about 10 minutes of waiting, a sleek white car pulled up on the street next to me and Carrie got out of the front and started walking towards me. When she got over to me she didn't say anything, just wrapped her arms around me and let me cry into her shoulder. I have no idea why Julie didn't like her because all she had done to me was be kind.

She picked my bag up of the bench and put it onto her shoulder, took my hand and led me to the passenger seat of the car.

We drove to her house in silence apart from the background music playing from the stereo. We pulled up outside a gated community where Carrie said a code to be let in. We slowly drove down a street lined with extremely large houses until we stopped outside another gate which surrounded the biggest house on the block.

"This is your home?" I gasped. "Bobby must be loaded." I said under my breath.

"Yeah, my dad is pretty well known." She said quietly. I turned in my seat to face her and sighed.

"Speaking of your dad, is he home?" I asked seriously. I had no idea how I was going to explain everything.

"Yeah, but he won't mind you staying here. I'll introduce you if you want." She said pressing a button which opened the gate.

"Yeah that will be cool." I replied feeling nervous as we pulled up outside the house. We walked up to her big door and she pushed it open.

"Carrie is that you? Where did you go?" A deep but familiar voice shouted.

"Yeah its me dad, I had to go pick up my friend. Come meet her." She shouted back. A tall man walked in to the corridor and stopped dead when he saw me. My eyes widened as I saw how the years had changed him. "This is my dad, Trevor Wilson." Trevor Wilson?

"Um. Honey. Who is your friend?" He stuttered out. Carrie pulled me forward towards him and as we got closer I could see him slightly shaking.

"This is River Beckett. She transferred from Sweden but she needs a place to stay for while. Its cool if she stays here right?" She explained. He nodded nervously and Carrie turned to me excitedly. "Perfect! I'll go take your things to the guest room and you can go to the kitchen with my dad and get some food." She said grabbing my bag and running up the stairs.

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