A Horrible Evening

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Hey!! I am late. Sorry for that. I am working on it. I will try to update more frequently. And your views, matter to me a lott. Thanks. Vote only If you love it. Or else let me know I will work on it.


"Why he is not saying anything?" Isa thought, sitting in the car.
"Should I say something and break the ice between us? What if he doesn't reply me back? Okay, okay, hey Isabella, you are a strong girl. Come on, say something."
"I-I- mmmm"
"What?" Ian replied, focusing on the road.
" I am sorry." Isa said, looking at him.
Silence everywhere. The sound of the AC was the only sound that could be hear.
"Look, I really didn't mean to do that."
" Can you please say something? I love you, Ian." Isa said hopelessly looking at the wing mirror playing with her hair.
"There is no escape from this sweetie. We will talk... Once we will get home."

After this endless awkward silent journey, they finally reached home.
Ian came to Isa and took her bag and asked her to follow him.
Ian used to carry her after a long and tired day. But this is not a usual day Isa reminded herself and followed his brother.
"If Alex is here, he will sue me today." Isa thought as she kept following her brother. In the meantime Ian called Alex and asked him to pick Aden from school.
"Oh my gosh, he is not home." Isa gave a sigh of relief.

"Go, get fresh, come to my room then." Ian Instructed.
Isa felt the coldness of his voice. She didn't say anything, just took her bag and go back to her room.
After 30 Minutes, Isa went to Ian's room.

"Ian, Look, I am sorry. Forgive me, this time. I promise I won't do this again."
Ian didn't look at her and said "Stand here, hands up until Alex is Coming back. I will talk to him and then we will make a decision."
"Ian, I am literally tired. Can we skip this! " Isa pleaded.

Ian was reading a journal, he shot a glare to Isa. If looks could kill...
Isa carried herself tiredly to the wall and stand there.
"I said Hands Up." Ian fumed.
Isa puts her hand up. And stand there.
"Why Alex is not coming? I am going to die now......this is my punishment. Jesus, please save me today. I will do all of my homework next time. I swear." Isa said talking to herself and gradually putting her hands down.
"PUT YOUR HANDS UP!" Ian shouted.

After almost 1 hour, Alex came back with Aden. He had to go to office to take some important papers. He came back and entered into Ian's room and found Isa standing with hands up.
"What is this?" Alex asked baffling around.

Ian looked at Isa and said "Explain everything now."
"First, take your hands down." Alex implied.
"No, she doesn't deserve your empathy, Al. We are waiting for your words Miss Isabella." Ian said sternly.
"My hands are hurting now." Isa said crying.
"Explain ISA!" Ian shouted.

"I didn't do my Math homework." Isa said looking at Alex.
"That's it?" Ian said.
"I lied to Prof George."
"Isa completes your sentence please." Alex said.
"I forgot to do my maths homework and lied to prof George that I forgot to carry my copy."
"What rubbish is this?" Alex eyes were getting Red.
"And that's not the end. what happened in the assembly Isa?" Ian pointed.
"I was talking to Alia." she started sobbing, saying this.
"So, what was so important to talk in the assembly line?" Alex asked.
"I... Mmmm.. I" Isa said not able come up with something good.
"Okay, so you are not going to say it today. Ian, let's contact Alia's parents as well." Alex said, coldly.

"No, she has no fault. Its me. I was talking to her. She di... " Isa tried to convince them but cut off by Ian.
"Your times up! Shut up now."

"What's going on here? I am bor... " Aden came to see and found himself befuddled.

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