~Lead the way!~

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~Soldier POV~
After a long time of walking and curing infected we finally reached the outpost.

We have been trying to find the outpost for probably a week.
"WE ARE FINALLY HERE!!!" Mousey squeaked.

I laughed a little.
The outpost was the only place with infected now.
We knew that the soldiers in the outpost were strong and we needed help, so we made some new friends.

That rat that looked half robot was now our friend, his name is raze.
We also became friends with a robot named Robby.

"So are we gonna go in?" Robby asked.
Mousey smiled and grabbed robbys hand, she ran in with robby.
"HEY WAIT UP!!!" Raze yelled and ran after them.

Me and torcher followed them.

As soon as we walked in Katie ran towards mousey and held up a surgery saw.
Right as she was about to kill mousey robby stood in front of her.

Instead of mousey being hit robby was hit instead, since he was made out of metal it only left a small scratch.
Mousey grabbed a bottle of the cure.
Mousey threw the glass bottle of the cure onto Katie.

Katie fell to the ground and about a minute later she got up and opened her eyes.

"THANK YOU FOR SAVING ME" she said as she hugged mousey tightly.

"Hey Katie can you help us cure everyone else in the outpost?" Torcher asked.

"Yes of course !" Katie pushed up her glasses.
Raze handed her a few bottles of the cure.

One of the soldiers came out of a hole in the ground, his eyes were a bright blue and he had a torn off ear and bandages on his arm.
Raze quickly turned around and threw the bottle at the soldier.

The glass shattered...

But it missed, the soldier went back underground when raze threw the bottle.

"dang it!" Race said.

We continued to walk and look for the other soldiers but there was none in sight.
The place looked abandoned.
"Hey guys.." I mumbled.
"What is it soldier?" Torcher said as he looked at me in the eye.

I blushed as we made eye contact.
"That soldier before came out of the ground.. and well there's holes everywhere" I said.

"So all the soldiers are probably underground!" Katie said.

Right as we were about to walk towards one of the holes in the ground in front of us I felt something grab my leg and bite it.

"AHHHH-" I screamed in pain.
I looked over to see the soldier we saw before biting into my leg.
I fell to the ground as he tried to pull me underground.

"SOLDIER" torcher said in panic he quickly grabbed my arms but the soldier with blue eyes was too strong, he pulled me underground.

"NO SOLDIER-" I heard torcher scream.
I fell to the ground.
As I saw the soldier with blue eyes pull out a dagger.

~Torcher POV~
Tears started to stream down my face.
Without thinking I jumped down into the hole.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2021 ⏰

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