~Rabbit in the hole!~

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Wednesday 10:00 am July 14

Soldier POV
It's been a few months since I've seen torcher... he was now infected so it was probably for the best. I wanted to see him though....I miss him a lot.
"Soldier!!" I heard mousey say as she shook me awake.
"Y-yes mousey?"
When me, dessa and mousey escaped we were looking for a place to stay.
Then we found a zebra named zizzy, a pony named well- pony and a small pig named George. There was also Mimi the mole and giraffey the giraffe, and I couldn't forget dove feather! She was a police officer and she was also a human.

Dovefeather saved me, dessa and mousey from a group of the infected, she brought us to a safe place...but then dessa got infected and I haven't seen her since, also zizzy was captured and then she became infected.. so yeah that's fun....
I just hoped that there was a cure..
"Well uh-" mousey said as I heard a big crash.
"Yeah...so we are kinda being attacked sooo"
"WAIT WHAT" I yelled as I shot up out of my bed.

"Quick follow me!" She said as she grabbed my hand and basically dragged me outside with all the others.. and right there was willow, I hated her with all my heart, she was the one who gave torcher that potion that made him infected.. I wanted to punch her so bad! And behind her was kitty... There was also some others behind willow but I didn't care enough to look...
Right as she began talking I tried to run over and punch her in her stupid face but mousey grabbed me and most of the time she can't pull people or well drag them and stuff since she's small, but it seems that I am as tall as her so-
"Calm down little piggy!" Willow laughed as she saw me. "Aww what's wrong? Did the big bad wolf take your boyfriend away~?" Kitty teased.
That's it! I wanted to kill them right on the spot! But I knew I couldn't since I was to weak..
I looked over to see pony also angry and being dragged back by dovefeather.
"And pony! Just like that your angry too? How pathetic! I hate your little face too but you don't see me attacking you~" willow said as she snapped her fingers, all of a sudden a rat which looked half robot came running towards us.. it had knives for hands and it had attacked giraffey, it stabbed giraffey in the chest.

Then it looked over at me and mousey, it came running towards us. Then a hole appeared under us. We fell into this hole and saw.. a bunny?
"Don't worry I'll protect you!" The rabbit said.
"But what about-" mousey said before the rabbit had grabbed me and mouseys hands, she dragged us underground.
"Hi I'm bunny! What are your names?"
"I'm soldier.."
"I'm mousey!"

"Nice to meet you guys" said the bunny-
I just noticed it but bunny was wearing a mask that made it so we were unable to see her eyes.
"Ok are you ready to go!" Said bunny as she started to dig again.
"Go where?" I asked.

"We're going to Find a cure silly!"

(Time skip)
"Welcome to metro!" Bunny squealed as she pulled us up and out of the hole.
"Okay now take a seat!" She pushed us on the ground and then she sat down in front of us.
"Now first question! Which friends of yours became infected?"
Me and mousey looked at the ground.
"Our friend dessa..."said mousey.
"And my friend Torcher.." I mumbled.
"Okay now second question! How do we defeat Willow?"
"Defeat? Why do we need to defeat her, I mean she- oh wait a minute! She might have the cure so we can like steal it from her!" Mousey squeaked.
"Exactly! And she does have the cure! Which is why we are gonna need to steal it!"

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