Chapter 4: A Runaway Brother and A Temper Tantrum

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llThe silky long green dress swished along the floor and I made my way to table five. We were at a benefit for the homeless. Naturally being one of the most powerful companies in the US we were invited to this enlightening event. Or so my mother says. I was seated with the rest of the teens in the room.

They were all pompous snobs who thought they had the world at their feet. Except for Daniel and I of course.
I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around swiftly barely tripping over my own two feet.

"Jason?" I would have never thought to see my brother here, he never comes to these events. Somehow he always sneaks out.

"Robin, I'm going to the park to take a couple nature pictures. If mom and dad ask tell them-" I cut him off.
"That you were called in from the company to fix a technical glitch. I know what to do remember?" I said rolling my eyes.

"Thanks sis!" He whispered before elbowing his way out of the ballroom.
"Everyone please take your seats so we can begin." The speaker bellowed.
Great let the torture begin!
This was my most resent problem. Being responsible and dealing with Daniel's temper tantrum.
"We have nothing better to do. If we leave no one will notice!"
"We will not fall under the influence of other people." Honestly some times I wonder how strange our conversations sound to other people.
"No!!!!" This was getting really tiring.
"Shhhh!" We got some annoyed looks from some of the guests.
"Why do you even want to go to the party! I thought you said parties weren't your thing?" I say rolling my eyes.
"That was you and it'll be fun!" He whines.

"We didn't even bring extra clothes and it's not like we can walk in with you tux and me in a ball gown." He smirks and nods his head downward for me to look under the table. I look down and I see a gym bag with what I assume is a change of clothes. The next thing I qdo catches him off guard. I kick him in the shin.

"Why would you do that!" He says while rubbing his leg.
"How did you get into my room or you know my house!" He laughs as if it were obvious. "I used your window."

And with that I hit him in the back of his head. "Please birdie can we PLEASE go!!!!!" I turned to glare at him. "If you swear never to call me that again we can go alright?" His grin was wider than the crazy cat's from Alice in wonderland. "Come on we can leave through the waiters entrance." Great this is going to be interesting.
I'm sorry for not updating in a REALLY long time! I feel so guilty! Quick fun fact : When I'm late to Biffle (best friends for life) meetings at my friends houses I bring guilt donuts so they'll forgive me. True story! Anyway I'm sorry for the short update. But I've been busy with school and like friend drama and literally a times i feel like I'm in a book. But again I'm sorry I'll try to update more often .. But just in case don't take my word for it! Also I was thinking of making some chapters in April's POV but idk if I should. So please comment what you think I always love reading them. Thank you for your support! And before I forget just a little hit that the party scene will be coming up also a cat fight up next!
So remember .....
BrighterThanTheSun over and out!

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