Chapter 47

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*Erin's POV*

"5021 Henry. 10-01 Emergency. I've got GSW in the shoulder here and I need an ambulance to my location." Hearing Hailey radio something made me snap out of my thoughts.
"What happened, Hailes?" I had waited for the reply from dispatch until I said something.
"Jay got shot. But he's gonna be fine. Please stay calm." She already knew exactly how I would react.
I felt my breathing quicken, but pulled myself together to breathe slowly and regularly for the baby.
"You're going to Med?" I radioed Hailey again and she said yes.
"Where is he?" The team was in the waiting area already when I arrived.
"He's being operated right now. First of all sit down. You look very pale." Hailey and Kim took care of me directly.
"I'm fine. Don't worry." I stopped them both before they even started feeding me.
"Just taking care." Now they sat to my left and right.
We waited about three hours before Will came walking towards us.
"Alright. Jay's out of surgery. Erin you could come see him if you want." It was out of question if I wanted so of course I went with Jay.
"Haven't seen you for a while. So congrats to your pregnancy." Will said and smiled at me.
"Thank you." I smiled back, gave him a quick hug and then walked into Jay's room.
"Hey." His voice was low, but I heard him anyway.
"Didn't you say this morning that you could take care of yourself?" I shook my head at him.
"Something came up. Sorry." He wanted to shrug his shoulders, but then grimaced when he realized it was causing him pain.
"Just don't move." I put my hand on his cheek and kissed him tenderly.
"You really made me worry." I sat down next to him.
"I almost thought so. But I'm fine. The doc said my shoulder would heal properly again so nothing to worry about, okay?" He looked me in the eye.
I nodded, but then a tear ran down my cheek because I was relieved of enormous tension.
"Hey babe. Don't cry. Please." Jay kissed the tears away.
"I didn't mean to. That are the pregnancy hormones." I smirked.
"Then tell those hormones not to be sad because your smile is really pretty." He put an arm around me.

*Jay's POV*

I knew that Erin needed some rest because it had been a stressful day for her and the stress wasn't good for her ir the baby.
That's why I moved a bit around so she could lay down next to me in the bed and sleep a bit.
When she was just asleep Will came in to check on me. I motioned for him to be quiet because I didn't want him to wake Erin.
"You're feeling alright?" He whispered and I nodded.
To be a little quieter he took a pack of painkillers out of his smock and showed them to me, but I shook my head as I wasn't in much pain.
He waved and closed the door behind him quitly.
Since I was tired too, I put my arm around Erin and fell asleep.
It needed to be the middle of the night when I got woken up by some kind of wimmering.
At first I couldn't find the cause of the noise, but then I looked down at Erin, whose face was full of tears.
"Erin? Hey babe. Wake up. It's just a dream." I gently shook her shoulder, which suddenly brought her out of her dream.
"Breath. Calm down. I'm here." I spoke to her reassuringly.
"You're alive, right?" Erin reached out her hand to me and tested if I was a ghost or something like that, but when she could actually touch me I saw relief on her face.
"As far as I know I'm alive. Yes." That made her smile a little.
"I just had a horrible nightmare that you died because of the shot." Erin layed back next to me and took my hand.
"It was just a dream. Horrible, but just a dream. I would never leave you." I kissed her on the head and waited for her to fall asleep.
And when she woke up the next morning I was already awake.
"Morning." She kissed me and I enjoyed having her around.
"Don't mean to interrupt you two lovebird but I need to check your vitals, brother." Will knocked on the door and came in.
"Be right back." Erin got up and went into the bathroom.
"So how do you feel, daddy?" It was weird that he called me that but I kinda liked the sound of it.
"So far so good. But maybe you could increase the pain medication a little more?" He nodded and pressed a button.
A few minutes later all the pain was gone and someone brought breakfast.

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