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It was another usual day in college, but I woke up in a very good mood today knowing that I will be having exams from tomorrow(I know you all might think I am being a crackhead right now but the reason for my excitement is because after my exams I will be having my holidays woahhh). UGH, I want my exams to end as soon as possible so I can prepare myself for attending BTS concert and maybe shop a little for my South Korea trip(not actually a trip but I am considering my stay for internship as a trip hehe). I went to F/N's bed and shouted near her ear, F/N shouted at me for disturbing her sleep and she was quite irritated which made me satisfied, after some time we both got ready(we din't bath/put makeup, we just got up, made our hair a little better so that others wont run away seeing our messy hair) and went to our cafeteria as we were pretty much hungry and had our brunch and went to an empty classroom to prepare for our upcoming exams.(not too studious, I am a type of person to prepare everything before 3/4 days so yeah here I am preparing hard for my exams)*After 3HR*UGH F/N I am not able to focus anymore can we take a break please. F/N said that she was also feeling the same as both of us cannot focus for more than 1HR unless it is BON VOYAGE(hehe) but we were quite surprised that we were able to read for 3HRS though we had very small breaks in between but we were happy and satisfied that we studied for 3hrs so we decided to take a break by seeing some new BTS content and eating (Y/N's favorite food) which was my favorite. After our break we decided to read for few more hours and go back to our dorm as we had exam tomorrow. *TIME SKIP, BOTH OF THEM STUDIED EVERYTHING REQUIRED FOR THEIR FIRST EXAM AND WENT TO THEIR DORM AND DISCUSSED FEW THINGS ABOUT THEIR UPCOMING PLANS AND THEN SLEPT*


We completed our last performance here today so we headed home in my car along with Jungkook and Taehyung. We had a day break tomorrow before leaving to our next concert location tomorrow night so I wanted to go out and relax before going to next location so I asked Jungkook and Taehyung if they wanted to join me tomorrow to have some fun and relax a bit and Jungkook immediately agreed but taehyung told he was a bit tired and wanted to rest but ended up agreeing to go along with me and jk tomorrow. After arriving at our hotel we went to our respective rooms and slept instantly as we were all tired. Next morning we woke up at 11am and headed to a cafe to have our brunch, after filling our stomachs we decided to shop for a bit, we came to xxxx store and were shopping and having fun with each other.


After seeings few things in the store I saw a bag which I liked so I showed it to my hyungs and even they liked it so I decided to buy it.


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After shopping and goofing they decided to go to a nice restaurant with a view along with other members. All the members had a great meal and went back to the hotel and prepared everything to go to their next concert location in their private jet.


Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter, keep supporting me ARMY.
Have a great day/night, keep smiling :) 

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