🌞Chapter 35🌻

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"That was really the crown prince?" Gulf murmured after the man had left.

Mew looked flabbergasted. "You went with him without knowing that?"

"Well, he looked like a regular person," Gulf said. "Besides, I was bored."

Mew's face flushed as he glared at Gulf. "Do you just wander off after whoever comes along when you get bored?"

"Mew!" Gulf wad shocked by the man's anger, which he was seeing for the first time. He fumbled to defend himself. "He leant me his jacket and then we danced together."

Had he done something incredibly wrong? He was uneasy, not understanding the reason for Mew's anger.

"I'll return his highness jacket," Mew said violently, tearing the jacket from Gulf's shoulder.

Gulf sneezed as the chill night air touched his skin. Mew removed his own jacket and put it around Gulf's shoulders. But that was the only kindness he showed.

"We're going home now," Mew declared bitterly.


A Promise Of Romance (MewGulf AU)Where stories live. Discover now