Chapter 79: The Offspring of Brookstone

Start from the beginning

Any casual argument the two of them would have pursued was interrupted by several families appearing from the street at a rapid pace, running as fast their slowest members would allow. Immediately Cole and Liana caught up with the crowd. Several people carried traces of burns and soot from the burning houses. Others had no idea what had been going on.

When someone recognized Cole and attempted to question him, he interjected. "The village is under attack. Just get out and get to another town. We'll take care of things here."

He and Liana worked for some time, ushering bewildered and weary villagers toward the south entrance, all the while keeping watch for Moon Tribe warriors. So far, there was no sign of them. Still, Cole made a habit of feeling the katana swords strapped to his back and and the tekko-kagi claws hanging from his belt. Liana occasionally fingered the arrows and bow in her quiver and the nunchucks on her belt.

For what felt like forever, they stood in the street ushering survivors and instructing them to head for the nearest neighboring village and to run if they see a cat—any cat, no matter how cute and fluffy it may look. At this point, Cole was willing to assume that any cat he saw today was evil and wanted the annihilate mankind.

Eventually the amount of fugitives lessened; people were escaping the village safely, leaving only the stragglers to catch up and for the ninja to assist. By this time both Cole and Liana were weary from standing, walking, occasionally sprinting, and carrying young children or dragging along wounded people who made it as far as the southern main street. Their throats were sore from calling out continuously to the villagers. Their feet hurt, and their nerves were on edge, as they kept half-expecting another Moon Tribe patrol to ambush them at any moment.

Part of Cole thought, If you're going to attack, then for the love of the First Spinjitzu Master, just attack already! Constantly waiting for the worst had become quite tiresome.

The streets grew quieter. A small family of three stumbled by, and Cole recognized the man of the family as a neighbor. Having grown up here, he knew most, if not all, of the town citizens.

"Mr. Bryan!" He hurried to help the weary man, whose face was smudged with dark soot. He must have been near the houses that caught fire when the Moon Tribe attacked.

The older man blinked with surprise. "Cole!" He chuckled uneasily, "Why, I guess I shouldn't be surprised to see you here. We saw the ninja fighting off those... whatever those things are."

"We're doing what we can," Cole replied hoarsely.

Mr. Bryan's wife and son were following him wearily. The wife was stumbling while hugging a little boy to her chest. Some of her hair was singed, and one sleeve of her shirt had been ripped with scratches. She looked as if she were about to faint.

"Here." Cole approached Mrs. Bryan and gently took the little boy from her arms. "I'll take him for now."

The older woman looked at him gratefully with red eyes. "Thank you."

Her husband took her arm and supported her. Cole hefted the little boy on his hip and walked alongside the parents. The boy was quiet; he looked stunned from the unexpected violence inflicted upon his home. Now he only stared blankly into space.

Liana caught up with Cole quickly. "Is that everyone in the village?"

"Don't know." He turned to Mr. Bryan. "Was anyone left behind?"

The man blinked wearily. "Maybe. I have no idea."

"Did you see my dad?" Cole pressed. He had noted the absence of Mr. Brookstone in the crowds that had cleared out. He might have thought his father had escaped the village sooner, before Cole and Liana had shown up, but his house was near the north entrance. There was no way the older man could have gotten to the south gate so fast.

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