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"I honestly hate you."

"Right back at you, Stilinski."

The others rolled their eyes at the pair's usual bantering. Every time they arrived in a new location, Stiles would make a comment about her terrible choice.

"Why couldn't you have picked someplace nice?" he grumbled, "Like Paris or Rome."

"I agree," Lydia added, "All this climbing and swimming does not do any favors for my skin."

"Yeah, my hair is dying," Malia agreed.

As soon as Argent stopped the car, Maia got out to run away from their voices. She slammed the door shut and swung her bag over her shoulders.

Derek hopped out too and stood by her side. He followed her gaze as she looked down the crowded cobblestone street to see the small church at the end of it. Bustling people roughly bumped into their shoulders as they eagerly shopped and hollered throughout the market.

"You look nervous," he stated.

She shook her head, keeping her gaze forward.

"Not nervous. I'm worried."

"Your plan will work," he assured.

She scoffed and finally tore her gaze away. She faced him, encouraging him to do the same.

"It's not just that. We're collecting pieces to a powerful weapon while risking our lives to get it. Not to mention that we left our home practically unguarded against my mother, Colin, and who knows how many hunters they have on their side. And Theo hasn't called to update me which makes me think something happened to him."

She sighed after her rant and brought up a hand to run through her hair. But Derek caught her wrist and brought it back down. His fingers gently pressed into her skin in a comforting way.

"It's gonna be fine. We're gonna get through this and go home. After that-"

"It'll just get more complicated," she argued.

He could hear her heart rate rise from the tension and anticipation. She glanced at anything but his face so that he couldn't see her expressions.

He moved his hand from her wrist to her shoulder, pulling her closer by only a little.

"Then I'll be right here to help you," he promised. His voice was low and sincere.

She softened and finally met his eyes. He showed firm resolve and trust in her.

"Just because we're not what we used to be doesn't mean that we can't help each other. We're still in this together."

She nodded softly in agreement. Their eyes lingered on each other for a moment longer before being interrupted by Scott.

"What's the plan?" he asked.

They all gathered around the pair, who separated once they were noticed. But Stiles still smirked at the both of them.

Maia pointed to the small church down the street, "That building is a front for the Valencia Hunters. Their base is below the main level."

"I thought you didn't want anyone to know this existed. Why would you give a piece to hunters?"

"Because they're sure as hell not gonna give it up," she stated, "And besides, I didn't tell them what it was nor do they know. But they know it came from a werewolf so they kept it under lock and key."

"If they're not gonna give it up, how do you expect to get it?" Lydia questioned.

"We can try negotiating," Argent suggested.

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