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"What do you think they're talking about?"

Maia gestured over to where a majority of the pack was huddled on the bleachers. They looked like they were seriously discussing something, with Roan being in the center of it.

Liam glanced over and back at her. He shrugged, "No clue."

She glared lightly to say she didn't believe him. Issac and Theo ran up to help the boy.

"You're not supposed to be focusing on them, remember?" Theo reminded.

"How can I not?" she scoffed, "They're literally talking about me. My family, my memories-"

Issac sighed and launched a lacrosse ball at her. She acted quickly and caught it with her stick.

"Just play the game."

She narrowed her eyes and threw the ball back at him. He caught it and ran down the field with Theo and Liam on his heels.

They'd been teaching her the game while the pack talked to Roan about the details Maia couldn't give them at the moment. And they thought it would only overwhelm her more, so they had the boys distract her with practice.

The field was extra slippery and muddy from the heavy rain they received that night. They slid and fell unceremoniously as they ran up and down the field.

Theo and Liam, being on the same team, even picked up handfuls and threw it at each other. Issac got caught up in the mix but Maia stayed out.

Or at least she did, until it hit her directly in the chest. She gasped as it splattered all over her shirt. She looked up to find out who her perpetrator was.

But all of them went wide-eyed and pointed at each other accusingly.

"Oh really?" she teased, "That's how it is?"

The boys cracked a grin and picked up another handful. Her eyes went wide and she began to back up quickly as they charged at her.

"No, no, no!"

She shrieked as they chased her, dodging their throws. She tried to attack back, but to no avail.

They eventually circled and captured her. Issac held her by the waist to keep her in place while the other two readied their muddy throws.

But as the dirt was in the air, Maia twisted her body so that Issac covered her. The mud hit him on the side of the neck and his shoulder.

He groaned and let go. Maia giggled and ran away, grabbing her own handful.

This fight continued long enough for the pack to hear them. They turned their heads and found all four werewolves covered in mud. But upon seeing the smiles on their faces, they felt happy.

"She's different now," Derek mumbled.

"She's happier," Lydia corrected.

"Without memories of us."

"Without memories of her past. She doesn't know what she went through."

Derek sighed and watched as she ran around playing the silly game. The smile on her face never fell.

"Maybe it's best if she never got them back."

His friends went quiet, feeling sorry for the man. But Roan didn't feel pity.

"That's not an option," he reminded, "Maia needs her memory back so that she can find this thing and get rid of her mother and Colin."

"But she did it," Malia reminded, "Issac may have helped but it's still locked in her mind, right?"

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