"Sungjung," he whispered. She didn't answer, but he could tell she heard him. "Sungjung, I'm sorry. It's not enough, but I need you to trust me still."

He though she wasn't going to say anything to him, but eventually she ground out through her teeth, "No."

Silence lapsed back around, and Namjoon started counting. It's what he had done when he lost his clan, and again when the others came to stay with him. He would count to pass the silence by, and when he reached 3,498, he heard the guards making their rounds.

He started all over again when the guards finally left.


Jungkook was laid across the couch still unable to move. Hoseok and Nari did their best to explain everything, and the only thought Jungkook could think of was how proud he was of Nari.

"Nari, don't blame yourself for what happened to Kwangsun," Jungkook finally said.

Nari only frowned. "I should have been faster. I should have done more."

"You can only be so fast, and there's a lot for you to consider before using your abilities like that. It was risky. You could have killed yourself or the baby, but you still managed to do it." Jungkook waited for her to respond, and when she nodded her head, he tried to shift around. "Great, can you help me take my pants off so we can see how hard that bitch hit me?"

"I'm gonna leave," Hoseok said as he went to step out of the parlor.

Seokjin grabbed his collar though. "Nope. Jina and the others will be back soon, and you will need to tell her and Amarian what happened. Besides, you might need to help us with Jungkook."

"There's no need," Jungkook grunted out as Nari lifted him off the couch. "They're here."

And just as Jungkook said, everyone began filing through the still broken front door. Jina immediately found Hoseok and held onto him so tightly. Eunjin completely bypassed her brother and ran to Nari to both hug her and help her.

"I'm so glad your safe," she said as she took Jungkook from Nari. "What happened?"

They both managed to get Jungkook's pants off as Nari recounted the events. They both looked back to see Hoseok, Jina, and Amarian rush down the hallway.

Yoongi walked up to them with Ana trailing close behind. "What did she hit you with?" He asked as he examined the wound left on Jungkook's leg.

"I don't know. It was like they reworked the stunners."

Nari looked at the wound then. It was spiderwebbed purple and blue and black all coming from a bruise. "What the fuck?"

"I can't even move. I'm completely paralyzed, and I doubt I can use my ability," Jungkook explained.

Ana moved them to the side to get a closer look before turning to look at them. "Let's get him back to his room. I'm going to need to cast several spells to reverse whatever this is."

Eunjin did the honors of carrying Jungkook, and Yoongi grabbed Nari's arm to keep her from following.

"We don't need to crowd Ana while she works," he told her. "Eunjin will likely be back up here in a moment as well."

She hugged Yoongi then. "I'm so glad you're back," she told him. She was surprised when he hugged her back, and she pulled away and smiled at him. "I was afraid we weren't going to find you."

Yoongi hummed at that. "I'm glad you did. Nari?" He tested the name on her, and cocked her head to the side. He'd never gotten to call her by her real name, and it suited her.

"What?" She finally asked when he hadn't said anything.

"Nothing. The name suits you more than Jihae did." That was likely the best compliment Yoongi had ever given her.

Eunjin returned to them, and she gazed up at Yoongi. "You need rest," she told him. "Go to bed."

"Yes, ma'am," he muttered.

He disappeared from the parlor along with the other vampires, and Eunjin watched him go. Nari watched Eunjin watch Yoongi.

"Destiny is weird," she commented.

Eunjin snapped out of whatever trance she was in and jumped a little. She laughed and rubbed the back of her neck. "I suppose so, but it doesn't mean much to Yoongi. I'm not Hana."

"In my opinion, you're better than Hana." Taehyung surprised both of them, and Nari felt her heart jump a little. "You're fun and fearless. Yoongi will come around. It's hard to let go."

All of those words reminded Nari of something very important she needed to tell Yoongi. She grabbed Eunjin's hand and dragged her away from Taehyung.

"Where is Yoongi sleeping?" She asked quickly.

"My room."

Nari made no comment on that. They both moved quickly hand in hand.

"What is it, Nari?" Eunjin asked her.

As they past by her own bedroom, Nari popped her head inside to check on Jungkook. Ana was casting several different complex spells, so she nodded to her and went back to what she was doing.

"Nari," Eunjin whined out. "Answer me. I want to know what's going on."

"It's about Hana," Nari told her. If Nari had been looking, she would have seen the flash of hurt that crossed Eunjin's face.

But Eunjin couldn't ask another question before Nari was opening up the door. Yoongi stood there shirtless, and Eunjin noticed the sun scars covered a good portion of his torso.

"Yoongi, I have something to tell you," Nari started slowly. "I was with Dohun when he died, and he wanted me to tell you something."

Yoongi frowned, but he motioned for Eunjin and Nari to sit on the bed.

Once they were all situated, Nari took a deep breath.  "He made me promise to tell you that he's sorry for everything."

"What did he need to be sorry for? He was an asshole, but he was a good brother." Yoongi shrugged his shoulders at Nari, but Nari just shook her head at him.

Nari gripped onto broth Yoongi's and Eunjin's hands. "Listen to me," she whispered. "He said he's sorry for not telling you the elves were there. He knew, Yoongi."

It took a moment for the information to settle, but when it did, his head snapped towards Eunjin. "Did you know about this?" He asked her.

"No, Yoon, I didn't." She also reached for his hand, but he pulled it away.

He pulled out of Nari's grasp. "I need some time, please." His voice was barely above a whisper.

Nari stood from the bed, but she motioned for Eunjin to stay. "I'm so sorry, Yoongi." She looked at Eunjin then. "Stay with him," she mouthed.

Eunjin nodded, and Nari quietly left their room. She wandered through the halls, but she couldn't get far enough away to avoid the sound of Yoongi's cry of pain.

Eternal Soul | BTS Supernatural AU Book 2Where stories live. Discover now