*Chapter Fifteen*

Beginne am Anfang

His eyes found Rhiannon's in the darkness. They had moved away quite a distance from their fire and into the darkness of the woods. Luke took a few large strides over to Rhiannon once he caught his breath. He cupped her cheeks in his large hands, pulling her face towards him. He kissed each cheek tenderly looking directly into her eyes before brushing his lips over hers. The kiss was barely even a kiss before Luke pulled away and started walking back to the fire.

Dumbfounded, Rhiannon followed like a lost puppy dog. After all, she couldn't see well in the dark and it was kind of spooky in the woods at night. She heard some leaves crinkle behind her and picked up her pace. Her legs were so short compared to Luke's. It seemed like one of his steps was four of his.
Back at the fire, Luke was making sure the coals weren't too hot still so they could get cozy in the tent. He stirred the coals and put the cooler back in his car just in case some critters decided to steal some food.

Rhiannon ran to the tent before Luke could join her. She wanted to change her clothes before she had company in the confined space. She wasn't sure how they were both going to fit in the tent with Luke's large body. He was slim, but incredibly tall with broad shoulders. She wondered if he was a good swimmer because of his shoulders.

Luke ambled into the tent ten minutes later. Rhiannon was already changed and cuddled with a blanket around her shoulders.

"Flower, did you know you're wearing my sweatshirt?" Luke smiled coyly.
Rhiannon's eyes flitted down to the material covering her. "Well you see, uh, I didn't know I'd be spending the weekend with you and um, you left it in my car. I figured I'd give it back when I saw you next, but it smelled so good and was soft so I couldn't resist wearing it," she stammered.

Luke smiled, "I'll let you in on a little secret, okay?" He said leaning closer to her, "I left that in your car on purpose hoping you'd wear it. I wasn't expecting it back."

Rhiannon's cheeks heated up. A light blush creeping up her neck. She looked to her lap while playing with her fingers. Luke noticed her nerves and grasped her hands in his. "I want you to keep it. It looks so much better on you anyway."
Rhiannon nodded shyly, "Fine, but I'm giving it back as soon as you say so."
Luke shook his head, "sure you are."
Rhiannon was starting to feel tired, but didn't want the night to end. She was having such a great time with Luke and she didn't want to go back to the loud city where she had responsibilities. She stifled a yawn and rubbed her eyes like a toddler.

"Come on sweetheart, let's get you to bed," Luke said, opening his arms for Rhiannon to cuddle into him. Rhiannon wiggled her way into the two person sleeping bag, which she thought was a little presumptuous of Luke. Little did she know, Luke looked at four different stores for separate sleeping bags. He would never want to make her feel uncomfortable.

Rhiannon laid next to Luke contouring her body to his. She had her head rested on his arm while his other arm wrapped around her hip protectively. Her eyes fell closed shortly after. Luke places a soft kiss on her temple, "goodnight wildflower." Rhiannon nodded and mumbled in her sleep, scooting closer into him.

A few hours later, a boom of thunder woke them up. Rhiannon was the first to wake up. She shot up as soon as the burst of light from the bolt of lightning lit up the sky. Luke was quick to react too. He unzipped the tent quickly to inspect the weather. It hadn't started raining yet, but the clouds were rolling in. It was a little before dawn so the sky was starting to become lighter.

"We might as well pack up the tent and sleep the rest of the night in the car," Luke said sadly. He didn't want their weekend away to end early. He didn't know the next time he could get a whole weekend off to whisk away the redheaded beauty again. Rhiannon nodded in agreement and started to roll up the blankets and sleeping bag.

As she was taking the equipment to the car, it started pouring. She was trying to move as fast as she could, but she was soaked anyway. Luke was just as wet when he came running up to her with the tent under his arm. His long sleeved shirt was clinging to his muscles. Rhiannon couldn't help but check him out in the moment. His hair was dripping with water and the raindrops were trailing down his face in the most attractive way.

After Luke dumped the tent in the trunk, Rhiannon pushed him against the back of the car and pushed her lips on his. It was a short kiss because of the rain and she was starting to get cold. "Sorry, you just look really good in the rain," Rhiannon laughed. Luke smiled at her and made sure she was in the car safely.

"Let's get the heat on yeah?," He said looking over at Rhiannon's shaking body. She could only nod in response. Luke put the keys in the ignition and turned them. Nothing happened. He tried again and still nothing.

"You're never going to believe this, but the car won't start," Luke smiled sheepishly.

*Happy March! Hopefully spring is coming!*

*What's your favorite flower? Mine are daisies.*

*I write with noise canceling headphones on and my boyfriend just scared the shit out of me. I thought I heard someone talking so I took one of the headphones off. Then I heard a burp and looked at my dog. That's when I saw him out of th corner of my eye and was terrified. Piper came to my rescue and made sure I wasn't dying.*

*I love all of you! Thank you for reading*

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