Chapter 25 : Stuck in time (alternative ending)

Start from the beginning

They sat down around the table Harry had set up and Louis gasped in awe every five minutes. He was moaning into the French toasts, groaning as he drank his perfectly made Yorkshire tea and chuckled whenever he’d catch Eden staring at him amused.

‘I can’t believe I’m going to call you my husband one day.’ Louis said as he looked over at Harry digging his head in his bowl of hot chocolate. When he put it down, he had a trace of it over his upper lip and Louis puffed.

‘What ? I have a chocolate moustache, haven’t I ?’ Harry said, tilting his head with a knowing look, but Louis shook his head no, just to enjoy the sight of his silly fiancé, doing the exact same thing every single morning.


‘Harry I have something to tell you.’ Louis said. ‘It might not be a good news…’

‘What is it ?’

‘You know how I’ve been tired lately, more than usual anyway…’

‘Yeah ?’

‘Well, I may have been working too much and I wanted to talk to you about slowing things down. I already talked to my dad yesterday and he wasn’t the happiest he’s ever been but he understood. It’s become too much stress and, I’ve never told you that but, I have issues with my heart and it makes it easier to be tired and have a stroke if I’m under too much stress and fatigue…’ Harry was listening carefully. He had noticed how slow Louis had become and how he was panting faster and how he would come home exhausted.

‘Oh my god, why didn’t you tell me before ?’

‘Because I didn’t want to see this look on your face.’ Louis pointed at Harry who was frowning and already acting like Louis was going to die in his arms any minute or something.

‘Be honest, you just want more time with me and the little one.’ Harry smirked, giving Louis his smile back.

‘You got me !’ Louis chuckled and let a heavy breath out, glad Harry understood that he needed some rest. It’s not that he couldn’t have worked longer, it’s just that he knew that if he pushed too hard, he wouldn’t make it far enough to see his little girl grow up. And that’s a thought he couldn’t bear.

As soon as Anne arrived to pick up Eden, Harry and Louis could have collapsed on the floor. Being a parent was exhausting. She was crying every time they thought they had calmed her down, they were scared to death to not watch her in case she rolled off the crib…They hadn’t even time for themselves anymore.

So when Anne left with her, they watched them leave down the street on the porch and immediately raced to their bedroom when they made sure they were away. They were sprinting in the whole flat to reach the room, giggling as they threw their clothes everywhere. Louis tried running past Harry in the stairs but the latter stopped him, pushing him against the wall as he undid his pyjama pants and slid them down. The man fled to the hallway to make Harry follow him, and almost fell stepping on Eden’s rubber giraffe, but quickly found his balance and entered their room.

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