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Two; New girls

Words: 1363

"Ooooooo! Look the new girls!!" Alice smiled excitedly, as if she was a five year old seeing a new glittery toy.

"Alice!" I warned through my teeth. I wasn't breathing. I mean I was, but only every few minutes.

"That ones got some fashion." She ignored me. I did look at the girls. The first one, she had dark brown hair, and was so pale. She definitely didn't have the 'fashion' Alice was talking about. She was pretty, but my eyes caught the other girl's. Well more than my eyes caught sight of her, my gift did too. She was confident, not happy, but confident. That doesn't make sense?!

I was almost angry with her.

"Jasper?" Edwards' voice was warning, but also curious. He had heard my thought. I was normally good at hiding my thoughts from him, but this one was impulsive.

"She's confident," I started, even being confident was unusual for human teens. "But she's not happy."

"So, she's sad?" Rosalie dismissed the situation, she hated humans. They were everything she wanted to be, and she was jealous.

"No, just not happy...not anything." I realized she felt nothing, nothing but some overwhelming guilt. She immediately annoyed and interested me. She was already branded different in my mind. I didn't even know her, but her feelings practically rolled off of her.

"Well what are we doing let's go." The oblivious Emmett Cullen was excited. He probably wanted to hear what the new girls were thinking during lunch. Edward ignored the new humans. He cared for them as much as Emmett did, not at all.

I, of course, didn't care much either, but they did intrigue me. Learning their mannerisms was interesting. My human life was so long ago I didn't remember it. Well only a bit, but not enough to actually know more than I was a very charismatic being. That was all.

"C'mon Jasper I see nothing happening you'll be fine!" Alice assured, she was my best friend. She had seemed to like me, but it wasn't like that. I thought she was pretty, but every vampire was.

"I know." I smiled as naturally as I could. I had taken in a quick breath, the burning air swirling down my throat.

They were all watching me. Waiting, but I walked. Annoyed. They were always watching me. I didn't mind if sometimes, but even in the comfort of our own home? It was the most infuriating thing. Emmett wasn't as bad. He only hung around to chat with me, and play chess. He came to do normal things, not watch me.

The morning was uneventful, a torched throat and I was constantly accompanied by an excited Alice. Alice was the most human, though everyone thought she was weird. She didn't care, though. Alice was always happy, and when she was nervous it was never about herself. She was often nervous around me, always picking at my brain to see if I wanted to have a snack mid day.

The thought was mouthwatering, but I didn't take chances. As we walked into the lunchroom I made a loud comment, well loud enough for the humans, "I'm not very hungry I'm just going to go to the table."

"Alright!" Alice nodded, grabbing a tray. It was something I had done when I was too distracted to participate in pretending to be human.

I just sat at our table, where Edward was already seated.

"Who are they?" I heard a curious voice as Rosalie and Emmett started heading their way past a table. The one with the new girls.

"Oh uh those are the Cullens. They're dr. And Mrs. Cullens foster kids." Jessica informed the brown haired girl, Isabella was her name. She preferred Bella, apparently.

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