4. Threats & Promises

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"You know exactly what I'm talking about!" Helena snapped as she turned away from her sister

"As I seem to remember it you asked for my help." The door frame started to crystallize with ice around where Farrah had placed her left hand. "I helped you with a problem! I saved you!"

Helena turned sharply on her heels to face Farrah "You did not! I had her locked away for almost two years! I wanted her to rot in that dungeon! She was better off dead to me then alive! But then you came along speaking on her behalf!"

"Then why didn't you kill her?" Farrah dared as she tilted her head "Oh, that's right because she was really worth more to you alive!"

"And now look who is going to take my power! Because of you!"

"I cleaned up your mess sister, like I have always done!" Farrah snapped as she stepped into the room leaving the icy door frame behind

"I have cleaned up plenty of your messes! You did nothing for me!"

"You needed a pawn for your game and I gave you one." Farrah provoked as she made her way farther into the room "Maybe if you weren't always seeking more power, you wouldn't be creating so many messes! You never could be happy with what you have!"

"And you never could get over it!" shot Helena as she glared at her sister as she passed her

"Get over what?" Farrah asked as she stopped at Emily's vanity looking at everything that was laid out

"That I have sought after more power then you, while you live in my shadow. You always did have a problem with that."

"I wonder why that is!" Farrah ranted as she turned sharply to face Helena "Maybe because no one ever listened to what I wanted, I was automatically the failure. I didn't care to rule or to have magic! But look where we are today because of you." Farrah starred down her sister as she dug her nails into the vanity as it started to freeze around her hand

Helena narrowed her eyes as she stood in front of the fire as she watched her sister and the snowy crystals that were appearing on the vanity "You only have that kingdom and magic because of me! Whenever you think we are equals, remember I can make it disappear just as fast."

"Is that a threat?"

"What are you doing here? Other then to play the victim" Helena sneered as she ignored her sisters question about her threat as she wanted to know why she was there.

Farrah threw her hand forward sending a blast of ice past Helena that smothered the fire that was ragging in the fire place as she had enough of Helena's comments of threatening her. "Do you honestly think I would really miss my niece's ball? But seeing as you lost her again I think there's more important things to do."

"Don't you dare use your magic on me!" Helena snapped frustrated as she threw a fireball back towards her sister to get her point across to her sister that she will lose this fight "And for the last time I did not loss her!"

Farrah just barely moved out of the way of the fireball as it crashed into the wall disappearing "Well it looks like you haven't lost that temper of yours." Farrah scoffed as she looked at the wall where the fireball hit then she thought this was her chance to show her sister she would not be pushed around. She turned her attention back to her sister with a small smirk playing across her pale pink lips as she dared to threaten Helena to prove that she had just as much play in Helena's plans and could bring everything down around her, if her sister would try to take what was now hers. "If it is such a trouble for you to parent....I guess that memory stone could shatter, but that would be a shame would it not?"

Helena's eyes widened as she was taken back by her sisters sudden dare at challenging her, she moved towards her sister with threatening steps "Are you really threatening me sister?"

"Of course not sister." Farrah retorted as the smirked tugged at the corners of her lips almost turning it into a smile wicked as she held her ground as Helena stormed towards her with threatening steps before stopping right in front of her "But I can certainly make it a threat."

Helena roughly grabbed her sisters face as she caused Farrah to let a small gasp escape her lips as she was surprised. Helena's eyes narrowed a fiery rage burning behind them as they pieced Farrah's soul making her threat crystal clear "You better watch yourself dear sister, as it would be a fatal mistake to threaten me."

Farrah tried to pull her face from Helena's grip but only succeeded in her sister tightening her grip "Threatening me would also be a mistake as that one piece can ruin everything for you."

"You ought to learn your place little sister." Helena sneered as she leaned closer to Farrah a deadly glare ragging in her eyes as she pushed her sisters face back while letting go of her face.

"And you ought to get Emily back here before more guest start showing up." Farrah dared one last time as she glared back at her sister, her eyes faltering though as they revealed slight fear going against her sister.

Helena opened her mouth to speak but then just pursed her lips glaring at her sister, thinking of what to do with her. They both were starring each other down, their eyes revealing each others emotions and thoughts without saying anything. Farrah's face faltered showing her worry even if it was slight while Helena's did not. Helena's crimson lips curled into a smirk as she say her sister falter. Their thoughts were interrupted but Damon who stood at the door.

"Your Majesty, you asked for me?"

"I will take care of you later." Helena hissed to Farrah before turning toward Damon with a sickly fake smile plastered on her face "Yes, I did. Now, I have a few questions." She walked out of the room with Damon following behind her leaving Farrah alone

Farrah let out a shaky breath as she turned to face the vanity holding onto the corner of it to steady herself as she shook slightly. As Helena's threats lingered in her head, the constant reminder that she was just a pawn in The Queen's game as well, one fatal move could quickly threaten her safety ending the game for her. Her heart raced like a scared animal as her mind starting to file with worry as she had pushed her sister to far with her game of trying to show her she wouldn't be pushed around any longer, as she had one piece that could topple Helena's game. She sat down on the chair sitting at the vanity trying to calm herself and collect her thoughts. As she looked into the mirror she watched as a few more pieces of her brown hair turned to a silvery white. Farrah slammed her hand on the vanity as she shook her head turning her attention away from the mirror and to the items sitting on the vanity once more along with the icy that had formed on a part of it from her. It was nothing but a curse to her, while the changing of her hair was a constant reminder that she would never fully be free of it. 


✧☾ 𝓐𝓾𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓻'𝓼 𝓝𝓸𝓽𝓮𝓼 ☽✧

So this is actually suppose to be apart of the next chapter But I want to see if you all would like to have shorter chapters

So Please Leave A Comment If You Want Shorter Chapters Like This.

This may just turn into a sneak peek and then be added back into the chapter once I have the ending written

Did y'all know Farrah was gonna be a sister?

I am so excited for you all to read the next chapter! 

Leave a like and any thoughts you had on this chapter in the comments!

Thank You again

(Last updated: May 31 2021)


☙ ⚜ ❧

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