MERCER - TWO YEARS (graphic)

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"It's rude to steal from the guild you're supposed to be leading." Marina spoke, her voice shaking. "Let me go; I won't tell anyone you were here."

Mercer laughed and took a step closer. "Shame Vald let you in. He was close to repaying his debt to Maven." He reached behind him and waved his watchdog's head in front of Marina. She almost gagged, and quickly turned away. 

"Move, Mercer. I'm serious. I won't tell anyone you were here. You can get a head start." Marina turned back to Mercer, and was thankful he wasn't swinging Vald's damn head anymore and had placed his head onto the ground. 

The man scoffed once more and walked towards Marina, until she was backed up against his desk. He placed a hand on either side of Marina and bent down to look into her eyes. Marina almost didn't recognize him. His eyes were dark and his face contorted in a way she had never seen before. She squirmed and tried to push him off. This only caused him to move in closer to her.

"You know, Marina," His brow twitched as he said her name. "I was going to let you come with me. I did like you. But knowing that you're a pushover made me realize that you'll do anything for attention, you desperate bitch." 

One hand had moved from beside her on the desk and was now running along her curves. In any other situation Marina would have melted into his touch. However, she stiffened and took in a sharp breath at the touch.

She squeezed her eyes shut, and begged Mercer to move and to leave her alone. He ignored the woman and quickly moved from just touching to unbuckling the snaps on her armor and turning her over. He bent the girl over as her armor was dropped to the ground and her legs swung back in an attempt to get away. It was exhilarating in a way, and was Mercer's way of getting revenge of the girl. He pulled his own armor off before forcing her legs open. Mercer ignored the girls sobs and pleads as he had his way with her, knowing that nobody would ever hear them.


Marina quickly sat up, covered in sweat. Another nightmare. She wondered when she had passed out, and stood up to change out of her now sticky armor. It fell to the ground with a small thud. She put on fresh clothes and glanced over at the small clock that sat on her nightstand. 8:50 am.

Marina rubbed the sleepiness from her eyes and strolled into her kitchen to make a quick breakfast before she would head back to the cistern. She buttered up a slice of toast and sat at the large table that occupied most of the room. She ate peacefully before noticing a small piece of paper on the corner of the table. 

Marina was a forgetful person, and hoarded every letter she had received after moving to Skyrim. She figured it was just an extra grocery list, or a bounty she never did. She reached across the table and opened the folded piece of paper. The handwriting was not her own or any she recognized. It had nothing on it, other than the day's date, along with a small scribble. She thought nothing of it and tossed it into the bin. She shook how weird the note was from her mind and went on with her day.

The cistern was quiet when Marina walked in, and made her way to her desk. She set her satchel down and looked around. Nobody seemed to be awake yet, which was odd since she knew they had jobs and training today.  

"Brynjolf?" She called out, and received no answer.

"They aren't here. Told them Maven needed them all, and then locked them out. You should change the locks, Marina." 

That voice. The girl froze in place, and her hand darted for her sword. Her mind was racing and she felt faint. How was he here? How was he alive? She watched as she, Brynjolf, and Karliah left his limp body behind as the Dwarven ruin flooded. They barely made it out alive themselves, how would he have managed to? Was she just hallucinating?

His hands being placed onto her hips answered her questions. She wasn't hallucinating, and he had escaped what should have been his final resting place. His touch was soft, and was much different than last time the two had been in this position. However all Marina felt was fear. Fear, and anger. How dare he manipulate her, abuse her, and then NOT die? How dare he come back here and sneak into her home, leaving a shitty note for her? 

She pulled her sword from its place on her hip and pushed herself out of the man's grip. She turned to face him and pointed her sword to his throat. Mercer looked much different, and had his hands up. 

 "Relax, love. I'm not here to hurt you."

Marina shook her head as the tears that been building up finally spilled from her eyes. This was a living nightmare. She spoke softly as she choked down the sobs that threatened to fly past her lips.

"You're supposed to be dead."

Mercer laughed and took the sword from the girl's hands. Her brain was numb, and she watched his movements in silence.

"Run away with me."

The man couldn't have been serious. Betraying the guild was one thing, and if he had asked then Marina definitely would have agreed. But to lie about having feelings to her, and doing the things he did to her made the question seem ridiculous. She eyed in the man and was shocked that he seemed serious. Her hands balled into fists as she got into Mercer's face.

"Run away with you? You hurt me.. you abused me, Mercer. Raped me.." her voice trailed off as tears continued to fall past her red cheeks and onto the leather of her armor.

She glanced up at him, and saw Brynjolf standing in the shadows, ebony dagger in hand. Mercer laughed and shrugged softly.

"I was going to apologize for that, but figured that you probably enjoye-"

Brynjolf's dagger slid across Merer's throat before he finished his sentence. His eyes grew wide as he fell limp onto the ground, causing Marina to step backwards. She covered her ears to block out the chokes and gags the man made as he bled out.

A million emotions flooded the girls senses as she fell to her knees before the limp body. She questioned if he was actually dead (again) or if somehow the skeleton key had made him immortal. She also felt an odd sense of relief at the sight of Mercer, bloody and hopefully dead.


She ignored Brynjolf and began to punch, kick and hit the corpse, cussing the man out with every word imaginable. Blood spattered onto her face as she pounded on his chest. When she finished, she pulled the armor from his body and left him bare. Trinkets, jewels, and cash spilled from every crevice and pocket.

"Sell that stuff to Tonilia. I'll see if the skeevers are hungry today."

Grabbing Mercer by his ankles, Marina dragged his body into the Ratway, whistling every once and awhile to attract any skeevers. She could hear the nails of a few hitting the stone floor and pushed his body down into the darkness.

It had been two years. Two years of living with the burden of the abuse she went through. Two years of having to save a guild from nothing. Two years of thinking the man who took her innocence from her was dead. Two years since she had gotten true revenge.

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