Langa thought for a moment. ''I guess that does make sense. How did you even notice their eyes?''

Reki shrugged. ''I paid attention.''

''Sounds like something a stalker would say.''

''Shut up, Langa!''

''Still, though, this could all be a coincidence,'' Langa suggested.

''But it could not be,'' Reki said, his eyes sparking. ''It makes sense, doesn't it? She avoids us because we go to the same school and she doesn't want to be found out!''

''And yet you went and found out who she was,'' Langa reminded him.

''Well, she sucks at hiding.'' Reki put a hand on his chin. ''Or maybe I'm just too smart?''

''She's probably just bad at hiding.''


- - -

Reki tapped his foot on the ground, looking around. It's been two days since Reki had started to suspect Y/n of being Mystique and has been thinking whether he should confront her about it, but she hadn't been showing up at 'S'. Was she not coming because she knew that he knew? Was she busy? Was she avoiding him?

The whispers started and Reki looked up, seeing exactly the person he was waiting for. He took a step forward, though halted, contemplating. Should he talk to her? Would she get mad that he knew? Then again, there was a chance it wasn't even her. Would she even tell him if it was her?

''Hey, Mystique's here,'' Langa pointed out as he stepped next to Reki, looking at the female skater.

''Yeah, I saw,'' Reki said, his eyes still following her as she slowly skated through the people.

Langa looked at his friend. ''Are you going to talk to her?''

Reki shrugged. ''I don't know. I feel like she'll get mad.''

''Obviously.'' Langa rolled his eyes. ''But then again . . . what's the worst thing that could happen?''

''Weren't you calling me a stalker earlier?''

''That was earlier,'' Langa said, then gave him a push, causing Reki to stumble. ''Go talk to her and find out. I'm curious, too.''

Reki chuckled and nodded, walking ahead. Was he really going to do it? ''Hey, Mystique!''

Y/n sighed upon the call of her skater nickanme, recognizing the voice. She was tired, really. Turning around to face the boy, she spoke. ''You again?''

''Yeah! Why do you sound like I'm a bother?'' Reki asked with a grin. He knew he was bothering her, but she hasn't yelled at him yet, so that was a good sign, right?

''What do you want?'' Y/n asked, getting down from her board and popping it so she can hold it.

Reki was quiet for a moment. Was he really going to do it? ''I know who you are.''

Say what now? Y/n panicked on the inside, though simply quirked an eyebrow on the outside, as to not give him anymore hints. I knew he was starting to figure it out. Maybe he was thinking of the wrong person? Yeah. That had to be it. ''Oh? Pray tell, who am I?''

''You're Y/n L/n, aren't you?''

Y/n's eyes widened, her hand flying to the boy's mouth to shut him up. She looked around, checking if anyone had heard, but that seemed to not be the case. Quickly grabbing his wrist, she dragged him away, causing the boy to stumble. They reached a quieter corner where Y/n turned around to face him, her arms crossed.

''How the hell do you know?'' Y/n asked, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

Reki beamed. ''I figured it out by myself! It was mostly both of you injuring your arms in the same day, though.''

Y/n scoffed, looking away from him. So her cover was blown. Great. Just perfect. Now what? Can she even keep on coming to 'S' now? ''Who else knows?'' she asked, clearly not amused by the whole situation.

''I told Langa.'' Reki laughed nervously, scratching the back of his neck.

''Has he told anyone?'' asked Y/n, still not looking at him.

Reki shook his head. ''Not that I know of.''

Y/n sighed, rubbing her temples with her hands, already feeling the headache forming. ''I knew I shouldn't have come to 'S' from the beginning, this was a mistake.''

''No!'' Reki protested, causing her to look at him. ''It wasn't a mistake, you're extremely good! It's insane, really!''

Y/n felt her cheeks warm up as she looked at the ground. ''Thanks.''

There was a moment of awkward silence between the two before Reki spoke. ''You won't stop coming to 'S', right?''

She thought for a second, kicking away a stray pebble. ''I don't know. I can't really have my identity revealed, can I?''

''Langa and I won't tell anyone, I promise!'' Reki said, putting his pinky out.

Y/n gave him a weirded out look. ''What are you, five?'' When Reki didn't answer but simply wiggled his pinky, Y/n sighed and linked her pinky with his, sealing the deal. Reki suddenly started giggling, causing Y/n to raise an eyebrow. ''What's so funny?''

''Well, it's just so cool that Mystique goes to the same school as me and I was the one to figure out who she is!''

A scoff left Y/n's lips. ''You're a child.''

Reki laughed. ''I'm Reki, by the way. Reki Kyan.''

''Yeah, I know,'' Y/n dismissed. ''I had to avoid you for about a week, didn't I?''

''And then Langa says I'm the stalker.''

the girl from 's' | reki kyan x fem!reader ✔On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara