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my lungs

my stripped lungs

air is all around

my mind is all around, I am crycling

between getting air and troubling to getting air

I am in my bike, I am falling

falling from your eyes, so hard to keep on

eye contacting

or breathing

or no, both. I can't breathe.

With every deep breath, I am drowning to air

more and more and more

am I panicing?
I am dying-
I can't think straight. There is no straight.

There is no forward or back.

There is in.

That ı am so into it. I ment to pry.

And then, ıf I survive on get enough, there is out.

Out is gonna end I think- crycling air for my lungs is tiring

I can't breathe properly.

Trying to get air is might going to kill me.

Out is not gonna be end.

I am cycling for living.

Getting every deep breath - chances I can take.

Chancec are high
Higher when I am deep breathing

Living between almost dying and keep going

I can't deep breathing

mon euphorie // benim öforimTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon