To become a parasite...

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Fresh, the parasite not the host, was watching as things happen when it hit them, their memories of their past lives came back right when they had chosen their host, the one who would be called fresh by many others.

They felt a bit confused as to how they became a parasite WITH feelings. It was strange, because up until that moment, they didn't really feel emotions, but they guessed they had the right host, for their memories came back when they chose him.

They wondered what kind of multiverse this was, was it a forced god of destruction? Forced godnof creation? The family type of bad guys, or just the chaos kind?

They will have to know that sooner or later. But for now, they need to get stronger, both them and THEIR host.

He will need to get stronger on his own, and with their help. They will also need to get stronger by themselves and with FRESH.

They don't know what to call him so they were calling him fresh until he tells them his nickname.

"I can feel you back let me have control... why? I thought you would have been in control the moment you took over.." he said, hesitate.

"I chose you so I can live, that doesn't give me the right to take over your body however, it's safer right where I'm at... we need to get stronger separately and together. I won't allow you to die on me.." they told him, they don't know what gender they would have been in this life as a parasite but in their last life? They had been a teenager and had been a girl but it doesn't feel right for them right now...

Would they be genderless now? They wonders, confused as to how that all worked since they never understood the google and what it said about it all.

They felt him tilt his head a bit at that, "so you won't control me? And get stronger? Why exactly? Will something happen?" He questions them.

"Yes...I won't control you and yes..something will will either gain strong allies or strong enemies, I'm uncertain as of right now until I know more.. but we should still get stronger.. just in case...normal parasite usually block their hosts emotions so they don't care about others but I..have gained emotions once more and won't do that.." they told him and they're host blinked in surprise.

"You..gained emotions? How exactly was that possible?" He asked them, confused and curious.

They wondered if they should tell him the truth of what could have happened and that they had past memories of another life?

They thought for a moment there before deciding he had the right to know, if they don't tell him now, they might never tell him and if he found out on his own, he might be hurt by them.

"Very well...I shall explain as to how I regained emotions...I'm no normal parasite.. I was... human once...but then I died and was reborn as a parasite without emotions and memories of my past life..up until I chose you as my host, then I regained back what I had lost..does that satisfy you?" They asked him and felt his shock and surprise.

"You died?" He said shocked by that, he didn't expect them to actually tell him anything but he's glad they did. Better to know know before someone found out and tried to use that to their advantage.

" was unfortunate that I didn't live past 14 but life is life. At least I have a new life though...I should probably tell you the rest of what I know and about multiverses." They said and started to explain everything to him.

He sat their, feeling a bit numb by everything he had just the parasites past life...he..they weren't real but fan fiction and made up characters of a video game...worse news was he also learned about forced gods of creation and destruction multiverse...some just had one but he learned that some could have both and that no one would know that..

And if there was too much au..and not enough room...the aus will collide and if it touched the original, they would all die and fall into the void. He shuttered a bit at that, the void...was a horrible thing and he wouldn't wish that on anyone, not even his enemies.

He also learned that the possible of others being reborn in his multiverse or other multiverse was a bit high, at least a 50% chance, and even then, they might not even be reincarnated as a skeleton, point taken by the parasite.

He knew a lot more then he's ever has..and has no idea what to do with this information because they have told him that some inks know about the balances, and some..don't care and wants to see what happens when they were out of room and all that.

They have told him that at least half of the inks are good, some know about the balances, others don't and just create without knowing that they shouldn't create too much..but..he doesn't know about his multiverses ink...which kind of ink is he? The bad kind? Or the good kind?

He guessed he will find out later...he will need to gather more information about that since there's also a possibility that fate controls ink in a way, they told him of many possibilities of multiverses and what could happen and what might happen.

Sure they might be unsure if any of it's true or not but at least they told him and that will help him prepare in advance.

That and he was told about the fallen stars and the redeemed bad sans...yikes he doesn't really want that to happen to his multiverse...

He's also told about many things on what happened to certain aus and all that and way he could try to help them without them noticing or seeing him. Though they don't know if it will work since he needs to get stronger and learn how to open portals and travel between aus and still get back home before his brother notices he's gone.

He also learned about disbelief papyrus's and others Similar to that, like distrust swap sans. And all that. It horrified him about that, he hasn't gone through too much genocides yet and he has a lot of hope to get the human to go back to being pacifist and all.

So there wasn't even a chance his brother will go through that, not if he and HIS parasite have anything to say about that.

He knows his parasite is fond of most sans and papyrus's.

So it helps him in a long run, which makes him relieved about that. Luckily he was also told about others like him from other multiverses and was alerted to what could have happened and what has happened.

The parasite told him the others were called fresh, they call him that to because they don't know what to call him yet and that some fresh's weren't even parasites and were mistaken as one because of their eyes.

Which had horrified him. He had been mostly normal up until the parasite grabbed his soul to his it in his eye sockets together with themselves.

Which is going to make it weird and strange to no longer see his soul there anymore but it was also something different, this timeline and the ones afterwards will never be the same again.

And with their help, he can overcome many things, and even without their help, he will overcome them because they will train, separately and together to get stronger then before.

Sans smiled, "you may call me fresh when we are outside our au, but otherwise call me sans, I can't wait to work with you and get stronger...we will need to after all."

And so they got ready to train.

Finally finished with 1357 words! Yay! I suddenly got this idea when I read a story in the parasites POV and not the host POV on google. I don't remember the name unfortunately and I don't know where to find it, sorry about that.

Hope you like and comment what you think!

Ja ne~!

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To become a parasiteWhere stories live. Discover now