Damien sat down and even through all the laughing I was tearing up. God I love my friends. Next was Ian.

"Man this kid. I don't know what would've happened if he through another year of this, like I'm pretty sure he might just explode. Good thing that is  done and over.  Imma make this nice and short. Shayne I'm proud of you, you've done a lot of hard and good work and I'm glad we're co-workers to say the least"

He sat down and Courtney got up.

"I guess its my turn" she slightly laughed "I have seen shayne work endlessly on his homework through doing it at the office and pulling all nighters he made it through. I know the others probably roasted you in some way or another but I do it so often I didn't really think to do it. Let me tell you about the real Shayne through all of the craziness he is. Shayne is the most thoughtful, kindest, funniest, smartest person I know.  And I know me talking about him like this will make the shartney shippers go crazy" she turned and winked at me as I sat there smiling with tears laughing "but its true. No matter what I'm going through, shayne helps me through it. And standing here now i couldn't be more proud of my best friend *cough* Damien *cough *"

She put the mic down laughing and Sarah went back up to the stage

"Alright so shayne I'm gonna have you stand up and don't walk up til I call your name"

"Mm okay" I said pulling myself together 

"The student graduating put in a lot of work and so with that  I call Shayne Topp to come get your diploma" (yall I'm homeschooled so idk what they say exactly, sorry!)

I walked up and took it out of her hands and took a picture with her

"That is the Arizona State University graduating class of 2019!!! We have a party in the back. Be sure to stick around!" She said finishing

I was so happy this has been the best surprise I have gotten. I picked up courtney and spun her around "how does it feel to be a graduate finally ?"

"It feels amazing. No more homework!" I said as she giggled.

"Cmon let's go partayy" she said.

We celebrated for awhile and I had the best time ever. We had been there for a couple hours and it was slowly calming down with people trickling out here and there congratulating me. 

After awhile it was just me, Courtney, Keith , Noah, Olivia, Damien, Kimmy and Jackie. The best friends I could've ever asked for. 

"Hey Shayne me and Kimmy are gonna head out. I'm happy for you dude congrats "

"Thanks man" I said hugging him before they left. Man they  are cute together. 

Sooner or later everyone had left home and me and Courtney were driving home

"Hey I have a question "she said

"What's up?" I wondered 

"Well I was just thinking, I mean we've been together for awhile now, what would you think about telling the fans?" 

"If you're ready for tell them then I am too" I said

"Are you sure?"

"Definitely "

We got home and I took a shower reliving today with a smile on my face. After my shower I got dressed and sat on the couch waiting for court to take her shower. 

While waiting for her I got on Instagram and noticed she posted about us.

Liked by smosh and 90,000 other | tagged: shaynetopp | co_mill: I couldn't be more prouder of my boy, he's so hard working and to get this far is amazing

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Liked by smosh and 90,000 other | tagged: shaynetopp | co_mill: I couldn't be more prouder of my boy, he's so hard working and to get this far is amazing. Love you Shayne 🥰

(Comments disabled)

I love her so much.  While she's in the shower I decided to also post different pictures and memories I have of us. (Pretend they are slides) (also noahs face in the first one is priceless lol)

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                 Liked by smosh, Damienhaas, and 80,000 others | tagged: co_mill | shaynetopp: yeah she definitely makes me happy 🥰❤

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                 Liked by smosh, Damienhaas, and 80,000 others | tagged: co_mill | shaynetopp: yeah she definitely makes me happy 🥰❤

                    Damienhaas: whooo finally!!

                    Ianhecox: took y'all long enough. Love you guys 

                   Oliviasui: my shipp!!

                  Shourtneyshipper: WHAAAATTTT my heart!!!!!!!!!!

                 Co_mill : aw love you baby ❤

                       Shaynetopp: co_mill ❤❤

                      Person1: my heart is happy 

                      Person2: aw congrats guys ❤

                      100 more comments 

               *More comments*

After I posted that the comments were going crazy.  I now understand why she turned her comments off.

She got out of the shower and we decided to watch a movie 

"I love you baby, thank you for today" I said and she kisses me

"You're welcome, I love you too baby "


A longer chapter but hoped you enjoyed! ~Faith 🥰😘

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