Pinky Promise Part 23

Start from the beginning

"She better be alive," Merle called when he saw the two of them exiting the daycare. He was sitting in the passenger seat with the door open after wrapping a baby blanket he'd taken from the back of the truck around his calf.

"Shot her in the left arm and looks like he choked the shit out of her," Martinez informed him carrying Beth to the waiting truck, "Need ya to take her," he told Merle. Taking her from him Merle got a good look at her face as he settled her on his lap, "Daryl's gonna fuck me up," he muttered.

"Not your fault," Beth gasped through the pain in her throat and jaw.  Shushing her, Merle told her not to talk, "Gonna do damage you try talking."

Jumping into the drivers side Martinez started the truck, "Woodbury still got that doctor?" he asked. Confirming Doctor Stevens was still at Woodbury Martinez headed back to his old community. Eyeing him Merle asked why he was helping them. 

Sighing Martinez glanced at the small girl in Merle's arms, "Sometimes humans should act like humans and not fucking animals," he answered.

Pulling up to the gates of Woodbury Merle could see JD standing above the wall on watch. "Beth's hurt; open the gates," Merle yelled leaning out the window. Recognizing Merle JD yelled down for the gates to be opened and for someone to get Andrea as he jumped down off the wall.  

Running after the truck, JD was opening the passenger side door before the truck had even come to a full stop outside of the building they used as a doctor's office.

"What the fuck happened?" JD asked after getting a look at Beth. "Ya want me to take the time to answer that or ya want to get her inside to the doctor?" Merle snapped, "Get her from the right; got a bullet in her left arm." Effortlessly Merle transferred Beth to JD who rushed her inside to the doctor.

Carefully he slid out of the truck standing on his good leg as Martinez came around the truck. "Merle, what happened?" Andrea called running down the street to the truck. Stopping short at the sight of Martinez Andrea pulled her gun aiming it at him, "What the hell is he doing here?" she demanded.

Raising his hands, Martinez shook his head, "No need for that," he assured her, "Your boy here needs some medical attention," he told her, gesturing to Merle's leg tied up with a baby blanket. 

Shaking his head Merle insisted that Beth be seen too first. Eyeing Martinez Andrea holstered her gun, "Help me get him inside. We have an army medic who can look at him," she told Martinez as each of them took one of Merle's arms and helped him inside.

Once Merle was settled on a bed with Bob getting ready to fish a bullet out of his leg Andrea demanded to know what happened. "Short version is your boy found us," Merle grunted as Bob began probing his leg, "Holy fuck ya searching for gold, boy?" he snarled looking at Bob.

Crossing her arms Andrea looked at Martinez, "And where do you come into this?" she asked. Shrugging Martinez flinched hearing Beth scream from the other room, "Man was a psycho. You should know you were sleeping with him," he reminded her, "Needed a change of scenery. Man can't ya give her something to knock her out?" he asked looking at the door Beth was behind.

Studying Martinez Andrea pursed her lips, "Stay here. He moves ya put a bullet in him," she told Merle as Bob had dug out the bullet and moved to cleaning and stitching his leg. Opening the door that connected the rooms Andrea went to check on Beth.

The girl was lying on her back with JD holding her upper body down on the bed while Dr. Stevens attempted to remove the bullet from her left arm. Hearing the door open, Stevens looked up, "Andrea, hold her legs down," he commanded, going back to removing the bullet. 

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