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(I'm in love with this picture, credit to the artist)

Kakashi P.O.V

To say I was worried about Bo would be an understatement. Seeing her like this made me feel sick to my stomach. As much as I want to sit her down and force her to talk to me I know that this needs to be something she does willingly. I shook the thoughts from my head as I got up and washed the dishes from breakfast. Alex was asleep on the couch so I figured I'd take a shower before meeting up with the knuckleheads' I call my kids. I'm pretty sure I was supposed to be there like an hour ago, but whatever. 

There was a slight breeze and the sun was shining bright. It's time to focus on training, I can worry about Bo later. I shoved my hands in my pockets and walked to training ground four along with Alex. It was no surprise that when I arrived Sasuke and Naruto were in a heated argument while Sakura stood by listening to the two idiots babble back and fourth.

"Good morning" I hummed 

"It's noon Kakashi" Alex huffed  

"Same difference" I shrugged "Let's get started, shall we?" 

"What will be doing today Kakashi-sensei?" Sakura asked, eager to learn as always 

"We are going on a totally awesome, super secret mission isn't that right Kakashi-sensei" Naruto beamed in excitement

"You really are an idiot" Sasuke pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration

"Not quite Naruto, we are actually going to have a friendly training session with Asuma and Kurenai squads" 

"AHH THAT'S SO BORING" Naruto yelled 

I rolled my eyes and ignored him. Turning on my heels I walked away heading towards training ground two to meet up with the other teams. Reluctantly I saw the three follow me. The silence allowed my mind to wonder back to Bo and how her conversation was going with Master Jiriaya and Lady Tsunade. I'm sure everything is fine, I said more to convince myself than anything else. We made it to the next training ground in no time, all of them waiting patiently. 

"You're late" Kuernai huffed 

"What's new?" Asuma laughed 

"At least he showed" Alex laughed 

"Yeah yeah, let's just get started" I huffed 

Everything started off smooth, today's training wasn't anything too hard. We matched everyone up and rotated partners every few hours, getting them well rounded in different areas seeing as each has a strong suit in something different. We watched from the sided, offering help when needed. It felt like today was going to be the longest day of my life. 

"Where's Bo?" Asuma finally asked 

"She is in a meeting with Jiraiya and Tsuande" I said  

"Aww, that explains it" Kuernai smirked 

"Explains what?" I asked looking at her 

"Why you look so sad. You miss her" Asuma teased 

"I do not" I tried to defend 

"Oh yes you do" Alex laughed 

I tried to argue back, but it was true. I missed her, but I knew she wasn't gone she was just down the street. 

"So?" Kuernai said after a moment of silence 

"So what?" I asked 

"God Kakashi, you are an idiot" Alex shook his head 

The Fourth Sannin (Kakashi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now