The adventures of Bo and Naruto

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(Photo above is Misuki)

 Naruto and I had been walking for several hours, I had sent Alex away seeing as this mission was quite simple and I didn't want to drag him with me. The sun had slowly started to disappear behind the large mountains. We came to a small clearing in the woods and I thought this would be a good place to stop for the night.

"But I'm not even tired" Naruto whined as I slid my backpack off my shoulders

"It's getting dark Naruto, these parts aren't safe when the sun goes down and I'd rather not get into any trouble of we can help it"

He sighed knowing I was right. He sat his stuff down next to mine and started pitching up our tents. I grabbed a couple chunks of wood and started to build a fire, grabbing a thing of rice from my backpack I handed Naruto a bowl. We ate in silence, but I could tell that there was something itching at Naruto. He kept looking up at me and then quickly looking away, he would open his mouth to talk but close it and shake his head like he was nervous to ask. I ignored it for the most part, if he had something he wanted to know he just had to ask. I pulled my jacket over my shoulders and laid down staring up at the star filled sky.

"Hey Bo can I ask you something?" Naruto asked as he made his way over to me laying next to me

"Sure kid, what's up?" I asked never taking my eyes off the sky

"Your brother, h-how did he die?"

I was taken aback by his question, I tensed up feeling my heart clench at the thought of him. I took a deep breath before turning my head to look at the blue eyed boy laying next to me. I stared at him for a moment before turning back to the sky above

"He was on a mission with his team, a simple escort detail. They ran into some trouble with the man they were escorting. I don't know all the details, but he died trying to protect his team mate from the enemy. He risked his life so his team mates could continue their mission" I said blankly staring at the sky trying to hold back my tears

"He must have been really brave" Naruto spoke softly

"Yeah, he was fearless that kid. He wasn't one to run away from a fight" I smiled weakly at the memories that flooded my head "You remind me of him" I whispered

"What? Really?"

"Yeah. Zannon was strong and determined, I see the same look in your eyes that he had. Just like him, you carry the power of a true shinobi"

"You really think so?" Naruto asked sitting up to face me

"I know so" I nodded my head

He smiled brightly at me before heading back to his tent to get some sleep. I put the fire out and climbed into my tent wrapping myself in my sleeping bag. I didn't go to sleep, I didn't want to wake Naruto with my nightmares.

*Time skip*

Naruto and I had finally arrived at the land of snow. Walking up to the front gates we showed our identification before heading towards the large cabin looking building in the middle of town. A small grey haired man led us to the room of the Sosikage, lightly knocking on the door before opening it for us. Naruto and I walked in, slightly bowing as we introduced ourselves.

"Lord Sosikage" I bowed "I'm Bo Young and this is-

"I'M NARUTO UZUMANKI! BELIEVE IT!" Naruto yelled cutting me off

I smacked him in the back of the head giving him a stern look before returning my attention to the Sosikage. I smiled apologetically.

"Welcome Bo and Naruto. Thank you for coming all this way" He smiled

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