Missed You

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My eyes flutter open and I grunt while reaching down to my stomach which aching. My fingers feel the familiar touch of bandages on my stomach and I hiss.

"Ah Ah Ah don't touch that, it's still healing," Derek says while slapping my hand away before giving me a small smile. I grunt and sit up against the wall and stand up with some tears filling my eyes.

"Th-thanks Derek I owe you one," I say to him before limping towards his massive door. He looks at me and laughs while shaking his head.

"You don't owe me anything, I mean I still owe you like four," which makes me giggle at him and roll my eyes.

"We owe each other nothing Derek and I thought you said you were leaving today?"

"I'm about to leave now but I'm dropping you off at home first. You missed a day of school and I would probably call your pack and tell them your okay." He says to me while helping me to his car after locking up. I look at him and give him a sad smile.

"They're your pack too Derek," I say which he just stays silent about. He puts me his car and I look out at the sky before checking my phone and seeing calls of nearly everyone but non compared to the amount of calls from Stiles.

The phone rings as I call him and lean my head on the window and hearing the phone buzz. After the first buzz I hear him pick up and start panicking, he would have just gotten out of school and is probably with the pack.

"Jas?! Where are you! I'm coming right now, I'll be right there baby! Wher-"

"Hey,hey I'm ok. Dereks driving me home and I'm safe I promise." I whisper through the phone not having the strength to talk yet. All my power and strength is going into the last half an hour of healing before I'm fit as a fiddle.

"Derek?What happened, I was worried sick! We thought he took you but you weren't with Kira and I thought you were dead. I'm on my way over now! Give me two seconds!" He shouts through the phone and I hear the jeep rumble.

"Stiles?" I whisper out to him.

"Yeah?" He says back panicked.

"I love you."

"I love you too, I'm nearly there just wait a little longer." He says before turning off the phone. I look out the window to see we're parked outside of my house. We both step out of the car and I give Derek a hug which he unexpectedly returns.

"Thanks Derek, please stay safe and call if you need anything," I say while we separate from each other. He starts to walk towards his side and gets in the car and gives me a smile before driving off without another word. I start to limp towards my front door, while clutching to my side. When I reach the door I unlock it and am met with the warmth of my house. I fall onto the sofa and gasp a little waiting for the last and most painful twenty minutes go by. I close my eyes and breathe through my nose and out through my mouth.

"Hello?!" I hear my boyfriend shout through the house. He runs into the room and wraps me into a hug while crying into my shoulder. His hands clutch on to me and then run through my hair. My hand wrap around his neck while I whisper into his ear sweet nothings. He pulls back and kisses me harshly and full of all different emotions. I'm shocked at first but soon enough my hands wrap in his hair as his hands travel down my sides but he hesitates when he feels the bandages on my side. He lifts up part of my shirt and I pull his hand off it quickly. He looks at me with complete worry.

"What happened baby?" He whispers.

"Umm well after I was at the school, I came home and was just reading about the mind door thingy. Then the lights started flickering and these people appeared out of no where. Before I could kill them all a new one appeared behind me and stabbed me. I killed them and then here we are. Derek fixed it up and I only woke up about an hour ago."

"This is my fault, this is all m-" I cut him off with my lips which shocks him. As we pull back he gives me a small smile and draws little patterns on my cheeks.

"Stiles I love you. It was my fault yesterday, I pushed you away because I was jealous of you and Lydia. I have never done anything to do with love before and it scares me that you will leave for the better and safer option. I know it's selfish."

"Jealous? Of Lydia? Do you know how crazy that is? Lydia was out of sight the minute you walked into our class. The second I saw you I was in love. You're kind,sarcastic,funny,selfless and beautiful. That's only a few things, you are the perfect person for me. I love only you." He rants before wrapping me in his arms which I melt into straight away. I look up and kiss his jaw and then his neck to his lips. When I pull back he gives me a boyish smile and before he can kiss me again I get a text.

Allie💖: Party at Dereks later, be thereee! Love you xx

I show Stiles the message with a big smile which he returns while wiggling his eyebrows. Dereks gonna kill us but who cares I will be healed by then and I just want some time with my boyfriend.

"It's like a paint party thing but you need rest, all the rest in the world and I will be right here and not move an inch." He says as we walk to my room. He lays on my bed and opens his arms which I snuggle into as soon as I get in.

"I only need a few more minutes healing and then I will be ready to go. I just want to have a fun and normal night with you guys." I whisper to him and look up at him. He kisses my nose and leans his head back.

"I know you do, I just don't want you getting hurt. If we go then your staying with me for the whole thing." He remarks and tighten his arms.

"I wasn't gonna leave your side anyways, tonight I'm all yours," I whisper and close my eyes with a smile knowing that he's probably freaking out in his head. I feel his hands run to my waist and bring me up higher so we're face to face. My fingers lift and I create a warms breeze that runs through the boys hair.

"How are the dreams and everything?" I whisper to him as I watch his eyes close at the satisfying breeze running through his hair.

"I dunno, I think it's getting worse. I found this key but I have no idea where it came from and the nightmares are the worst possible things you can ever experience. I'm just scared," he whispers the last bit to me.

"I wish I could have Loki here, I mean he could help soothe your mind." I say and smile at the thought of my brothers who I haven't seen in a month.

"Why can't he come?" He whispers to me.

"I can't find anyone in the portal to let me up. I can't connect with either of them and I have no idea why." I reply back to him making his eyebrows furrow. I just start drawing his features with my fingers.

"Maybe your too stressed or they know we need you down here," he says to me and pushes a piece of hair behind my ear and kisses me.

"Yeah it's like a little barricade. Like a-" I try to find the word in my head.

"A door," he says to me. I nod my head and he sighs bringing me into a tighter embrace. A ping comes from Stiles's phone and he picks it up.

"Hey Scott I'm a bit b- oh ok. Ok I will be there in a few... Yeah she's here." He laughs into the phone and passed it to me quickly. I put the phone to my ear.

"Hey Scott, how was your date wi-"

"Don't ever scare us like that again!" He shouts down the phone making me and Stiles giggle.

"I won't Scotty I promise you. Both of you." I say feeling Stiles kiss me head. I pass him the phone and he says bye before standing up from the bed which makes me pout. I sit up and watch as he gathers his stuff and turns around.

"I just need to give these keys to Scott and then I will meet you at the party yeah? I would bring you with me but you need to heal and I don't know what's going to happen." He says before sitting on the edge of my bed and running a hand through my hair.

"Just be safe Sti, please and call if you need anything." I say while holding his hand. He kisses my head before standing up.

"Don't worry, I will see you later okay?" I nod my head and watch as he leaves with a smile. I listen as his footsteps run down the stairs before he scream an I love you and the door closes. I laugh to myself and watch something called 'The Office' while I heal for the last few minutes.

I can't wait for this party.

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