Risk or Reward?

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The morning light slips through my window as my eyes flutter open

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The morning light slips through my window as my eyes flutter open. I feel a weight of an arm on me making me look upwards to a sleeping Stiles. I cuddle closer into his chest which makes his arms wrap around tighter. I look at the clock and sigh seeing we had an hour before school.

"Hey Sti," I whisper but he doesn't answer so I move a little in his grip so we're face to face.
"Stilessss," I sing. I run my finger down the slope of his nose. I see him open his tired eyes and blush at how close we are. I suddenly get nervous feeling like I have entered his personal space. I lean back a little and smile. He just closes his eyes again playing with my fingers.

"We have to go to school," I say trying to get out of his grip but he just replies with another groan. I run a hand through his hair and lean out to stand up and get in the shower. I stand under the shower and let it run through my hair and down my body. My mind runs to the previous night and I can't help but feel giddy about it. For the lord of Odin! I couldn't stop smiling. My hands flick beside me letting my powers turn off the taps. I wrap the closest towel around me and leave for my bedroom letting the water drip down my head. I knock on the door.

"Hey Sti! Umm is it ok if I come in and get ready? You can use my shower if you want or have anything from the kitchen?" I say whilst opening the door to my room. When I come in I hear a loud bang and see Stiles on the floor and pushing something into his pocket. He finally looks up and I see his mouth drop open. I just smile and offer a hand to him. He grabs my small hand and stands up looking down at me for a while before avoiding my eyes contact. I make my way around him and head to my wardrobe.

"Hey Jas? I'm really sorry but Scott really needs to see me. I would drive you to school but it's ur-" he says looking sadly at his phone.

"That's completely fine Sti, I will just see you guys later?" I say and walk back to him, now in a hoodie. He gives me a smile and nods his head.
"Thanks again for last night, I really needed it especially since I don't know Beacon Hills that well. It really means a lot to me."

"Anything for you Jas," he whispers eyes never leaving mine. I grin and kiss his cheek before turning back around to pick something to wear for school. I soon hear the front door close and I start getting ready. I look in the mirror and run my hot hands through my wet hair. Ok let's go!

—At School—
I walk into coach's lesson which is first. I give him a small mile which he returns as I walk into the room and to sit in my seat. I turn around noticing the strange glance Scott gave Stiles.

"Hey Scott how did you chat go last night?" I ask kindly not wanting to step over the line in anyway I case it had gone badly. My eyes go to Stiles who's already looking with a goofy smile on his face.

"It went surprisingly ok but I wish I got some time to spend partying with you and Stiles," he says glancing at Stiles again with the same strange look. Stiles smacks his arm and I just furrow my eyebrows at the interaction. I open my mouth to speak but before the words leave my mouth, there is a loud bang from the front of the room causing everyone and myself turn around. I roll my eyes seeing it's just coach trying to be dramatic.

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