Rejected By My Family

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I feel numb.

Dad just parked outside the pack house and I am just sitting in the car while Tobias and Xander are standing in front of it and Dad hasn't left the car yet.

I don't want to face all of the people that are on the other side of these car doors. I don't want all of the questions that are going to come once I walk through those castle doors. I wish they didn't call anyone so I had time. Time to get used to being back with people who aren't trying to hurt me.

I take a deep breath and grab the door handle. I open it and step out into the grass. I slowly walk up to the doors with the three guys behind  me. I don't know where Grey went, but he took his own car somewhere. I grab ahold of the door knob and walk inside. 

Everyone that was walking around the foyer stops dead in their tracks and looks at me. I guess they weren't told the King's daughter was coming home. I am just a rogue to them. One pack member comes at me and I throw a hard punch to his temple causing him to fall unconscious. The other people get in defensive stances and my dad finally comes in and stands in front of me.

"Woah, woah. Everyone calm down, she isn't an enemy," Dad explains.

"How can she not be an enemy? She is a rogue," one guy sneers.

"First of all, did any of you look at what she is wearing? She is a soldier," some people relax at this, "Second of all, this is Braelynn, my daughter."

Gasps are heard from the room and I can tell some don't believe him, but they don't speak up. Everyone goes back to what they were doing with wary glances.

"Can I go to my room?" I ask Dad.

"Sure. Do you remember where it is?"

I nod and walk towards the stairs. I slowly climb the stairs to the third floor. On the way I get weird stares from people but no one else tries to attack me. I reach my door and grab the handle but before I can open the door someone attacks me from the side. I push hard on their chest and get ready to fight. I see the face of my mother and relax slightly.

"Oh Braelynn, I am so happy to see you again. I almost didn't believe it when Riggs told me you were still alive over two years ago." I stay silent, I just want to go to my room and be alone. "Are you alright sweetheart?"

"Fine. I'm going to go," I say and open my door before walking in.

I close the door in her face and walk to my bed, siting on the soft surface. I lay down on it and crawl under the covers. I toss and turn before deciding that this is too comfortable. I am not used to this. I grab a blanket and a pillow then lay on the floor, falling asleep instantly.

I feel someone touching me and I kick them hard in the ribs. I back away on the floor until my back hits the wall. I squeeze my eyes shut, awaiting the beating from Bryce.

"Braelynn?" I hear someone say.

"Stay away from me," I tell whoever is there.

"Braelynn, it's me, your dad."

I peak through my eyelashes and see Dad sitting there in front of me. I pull myself together and sit up straight with my legs crossed.

"Why were you sleeping on the floor?" Dad asks.

"I couldn't sleep on the bed," I tell him truthfully.

"When you are ready you need to talk about what happened with someone Brae. You don't have to talk with me, but it has to be with someone." I nod. "You should come downstairs for breakfast soon."

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