Chapter 24

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Time flew by in a flash and before she knew it, it was graduation. Camila was valedictorian and she gave her speech with confidence, knowing that the people she cared about were there, supporting her. Lauren watched proudly as she sat beside Camila's parents. She filmed the entire speech on Camila's camcorder. Normani and Ally also were there to support her.

After the ceremony, the students of Miami High, class of 2015, threw their graduation cap to the sky and cheered. Everyone stood up and applauded.

Camila smiled shyly when Lauren approached her, holding the camcorder.

"There she is," Lauren announced proudly. Camila did a little twirl before posing. Lauren chuckled as she extended the camcorder out and pointed it towards herself.

"I'm incredibly proud of you," Lauren said as she kissed Camila's cheek. Camila reached out and shut the camcorder off before she grabbed Lauren's face and kissed her lips as a flash went off.


10 years later...

"Camz, what are you doing?" Lauren asked as she wrapped her arms around her wife.

"I was cleaning my stuff and I found an SD card to my old camcorder," Camila said.

"Camz, you should be resting. It's not good for the baby," Lauren said.

"Lauren, I'm pregnant, not disabled," Camila said.

"You know what I mean."

"Can we please watch the video?" Camila asked with a pout. Lauren smiled as she rolled her eyes before planting a small kiss on the brunette's temple.


The video started off shaky as Camila adjusted the camera. She sat in front of it and smiled.

"Hi. So um, if you're watching this, that either means you've lost everything and you just wanted to remember the good times to ease the pain or you've gotten everything you could have ever asked for and you just want to remember the good times because why not? I'm really hoping for the latter. So, without further ado, let's get on with the video."

The video faded out and when it faded in, the video showed the project video Camila made for Lauren and the video Lauren made for Camila. Afterwards, it showed Lauren on the floor of Camila's room, doing homework.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm making a video," Camila said simply as she zoomed into Lauren's face.

"Why? The project's over," Lauren said.

"Consider it like a video diary of some sort."

"Like a vlog?"

"Yes," Camila said, "But these are only for my eyes and my eyes only. Unless I decide to show my future children," she said.

A smile crept on Lauren's lips, "You want children?"

"Yeah, at least two. Three is my maximum. Is that weird that I'm thinking about that when we just started dating?" Camila asked.

"No, I think it's cute," Lauren said.


"Yeah, I can totally see you being a mom," Lauren said, "You're so good with Sofi. You'd be an amazing mom."

"Not as amazing as you will be," Camila said.

"What do you mean?"

"You're just as good as me with Sofi. I see you," Camila said as Lauren looked away as she blush.

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