~122~ Birthday

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Josie's POV

I spend an hour at Izzy's, and then I go back to Ellie's.

"Can I stay the night at Izzy's?" I ask. Ellie gives me a look, and so does Taylor. Wes pretends like he doesn't hear me. He's pouting on the couch, looking at his phone. It's so awkward in this house right now. Shay and Luke have been hiding in the apartment a lot lately, and Trace and Emma have been finding things to do away from both houses.

"You may not," she says in a weird tone.

"Why not?"

"Jocelyn. Tomorrow is your birthday and you promised Mason you would stay the night tonight."

"I don't want to."

"I don't care. March your hind-end upstairs and pack a few things and get over there. Right now."

"It's my birthday. Can't I decide who I spend it with?"

"Nope," she snaps.

I roll my eyes and start walking upstairs.

"Roll your eyes at me again and you're going to have a very un-happy birthday," she says darkly.

I want to roll my eyes again, but I don't want to chance it. I almost think that Ellie can be scarier than Taylor. I'm not interested in getting the paddle for the first time the day before my birthday. Or ever, for that matter.

I pack and go back downstairs.

"Can I please just stay here?" I try again.

Taylor sighs and stands up, pulling me into a hug. "We'll miss ya, J. Have a great night. We will see you tomorrow," he says, kissing my head.

I wish Taylor was my dad.

I walk across the street, and before I can even open the door, Mason is there with a huge, goofy smile.

"You actually came!!!" He says, pulling me into a tight hug and kissing my hair.

"Miss you, Curly Top."

I say nothing.

"Please say something, Jos."

"Say what?"

He pulls me away and looks at me hard.

"Anything. Just say something."


He sighs, and gives me a forced smile. "Hi," he says as he takes my bag and pulls me in, shutting the door.

"Drew, look who's here!" Mason says when he sees Drew.

"Jo!!!!!!" He squeals as he runs into me. I chuckle as I pick him up and kiss him. Although Mason and Sasha irritate me, I miss this little rugrat.

"Hey cutie," I say as I kiss him again.

He hugs my neck tight and kisses my lips with a wet, slobbery kiss.

"I got hurt" he says, sticking out his lip.

"What did you do?"

"Fell off my bed."


"Well, he was jumping on his bed," Sasha says, rolling her eyes.

"I hurt my head," he pouts as he rubs his curly blonde hair.

I kiss his head, and he smiles his cheeky smile at me. I really really love this kid.

He's three, and he's super smart. He talks really well too.

"I know your birthday isn't technically until tomorrow, but I thought we could start the celebration early," Mason smiles.

Inferno Part 2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें