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Start from the beginning

Chloe and her stood up at the same moment, making a noise, which brought all eyes on the table on the two girls. "Where the fuck-", Aayla began, panting furiously. "Is Eliora.", Chloe ended her sentence, throwing Yolo an angry glance. Poe's eyes widened. He didn't think they would find out so soon. He wanted to tell them of course, but he wouldn't do anything without Eliora's permission. But the brunette was currently deep asleep in Poe's bed. The pilot turned around, searching for the reason both of the girls found out. And as he caught Derik staring at him, the anger rose in his veines. Poe was more than furious. After all this Derik still showed up here? Why wasn't he off the base? Thrown out of the resistance? He gave him a angry glance, then turned his head and bit the inside of his cheek.

The young pilot stood up, wanting to beat Derik up. And he almost did so, barely anything could hold him back, but when he felt the comforting hand of his best friend, Snap, on his wirst, the pilot took a deep breath and sat down again. He bit his lip and moved with his feet up and down. He was nervous and furious. But if he wanted to remain a commander, he couldn't beat Derik. As much as he wanted to. Because no one could treat a women like that. Ever. And he didn't want to be in the same room as someone who tried to do it. Especially because it was Eliora. The most beautiful girl of the base, who he respected so much. And Derik didn't even take his chance, he wanted to beat her. A new girl with dreams and hopes with the resistance. And Poe hoped that her dreams didn't disappear because of this idiot of boy.

"If you don't tell us what happened, we're going to scream it in the whole cantina.", Aayla threatened the pilot. Poe's eyes widened a bit, as he was digging his nails into his skin. He gave Yolo and Snap a pleading look. "Alright, don't freak out.", Yolo began. "When a sentence begins like that, it means that it will definitely freak people out.", Karé pointed out. Snap took a deep breath. "She's safe. She's in Poe's quarters and safe.", Snap continued, nervously playing with his food. "What do you mean she's safe? Wasn't she safe before?", Aayla acknowledged. "And force, what is she doing in Poe's quarters?", Chloe added quickly. "Derik-", Yolo wanted to begin, but Chloe gritted her teeth at this. Derik. Wasn't she going to go out with Derik? What happened there?

"He what?", Chloe almost shouted. But she tried to keep her composure. Maybe it wasn't that bad after all. But nothing could've prepared the two girl to what Snap said now. "He uh- tried to- ehm- beat her?", her nervously stuttered. Aayla took a second, glaring at Snap, before she felt the anger rising in her body. "He what?", she screamed. The whole cantina has drawn their attention on their table right then. Jess's and Karé's mouth was wide open, as well as their eyes. Chloe clenched her fist for a second, her brother tried to beat her best friend? And Chloe knew exactly what Eliora had to go through in her life. She trusted her brother, but now Chloe just felt stupid.

Meanwhile Eliora woke up from the sun shining into the room, blending her eyes. She groaned out and rubbed her eyes, which made her hiss. The skin around her eyes was sensitive and hurt at the contact. The brunette wondered why, until all the things that happened the day before came into her mind. She immediately sat up, looking around the room nervously. The last thing she could remember was falling asleep in Poe's arms. She looked around, scanning the room. A single bed stood there, as well as a table and some other furniture. That was the advantage for being the best pilot: you didn't have to share a room with someone. Eliora immediately recognized the room as Poe's. She didn't know why. Maybe it was the smell, maybe the leather jackets hanging over a chair, or maybe, maybe it was a feeling?

The brunette slowly stood up, her legs feeling like jelly and her head pounding. She felt like she would pass out any second, but when she came to a mirror, she almost gasped. Her whole skin was sensitive, face tear stained and visible, hopefully not permanent, dark circles under her eyes. She could see the scratch on her cheek and some blood on her neck. But she wasn't wearing the dress anymore. Instead she wore a large T- shirt, which she knew wasn't hers, and some trousers she also didn't own. She stared at herself in the mirror, thinking of the events of the previous night. Tears welled up in her eyes and it wasn't long before they were falling down her pained face. As she chocked down a sob she tried to convince herself that love existed.

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