i A good girl's guide to rebel against the world

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It was the last Saturday of summer when Sophia Randolph decided to make a change in her life. You see, she didn't hate it.

She found herself chill and unproblematic, never had any girl drama, and even less involving boys but, when her body started developing some changes —like having to throw away all her bras and buy newer ones many sizes too big— everybody started talking about her, breaking her streak of a peaceful high school life.

So, after a whole night contemplating life while staring at the white ceiling, she decided that if everyone was going to talk about her, at least let it be true.

And that's why, in the last night of freedom of her summer, she was dressed in her boldest outfit and in her best friend's room, waiting to the perfect time to go to a party hosted by strangers.

"Mind telling me what caused this rebellion?" Spencer asked while curling her lilac hair and looking at her friend trough the mirror. Sophia, who was doing her make up in her friend's desk, stopped and looked at her. ".And, are you sneaking out or JFK knows about it?"

"I finally opened my eyes about how mysoginist our town is, and no, uncle does not know about this." Sophia said while curling her lashes. "And stop calling my uncle Kennedy, you know John and Diana are my political crushes." Spencer laughed.

The thing is that Sophia never went to a party that wasn't hosted by one of her classmates before, even less lied to her uncle about it. But since she read this article a couple days ago in her tumblr dash about living life at the fullest and some carpe diem shit, her mind only wandered about start being rebellious and young Ethan Hawke.  She started by doing her make up a little bolder and adding some color to her dull face, then, when her best friend messaged her about a party that was hosted tonight, she felt like the planets were aligning in her favor.

"I think your Prince Charming is going to be there." Spencer teased while turning off the hair curl iron, Sophia stopped in her tracks and looked at her.

"You mean Marcus is going?" Spencer nodded, taking the eyeliner from Sophia's hands, who was still processing the news.

"Lisa told me. Are you going to do something about it?"

Marcus Baker was the twin brother of one of Sophia's friend, Maxine. They never shared the same social circle and whenever she went to Maxine's house, he was either busy fighting with his sister or not there at all.

They know each other enough to recognize each other in public, being enough to develop some ridiculous and oblivious crush on him. Obviously, Maxine was the first to notice it, cursing Sophia about not liking her but his brother and telling her all the reasons why they should date —at the bottom of her heart she was happy, she knew they would be a cute couple—. But, as much as Sophia liked him, she never made a move. Never.

"I could talk to him tonight"

"And what about something like, I don't know, say a kiss?"

"I will stay in the talking phase for the moment"

And after finishing styling themselves for the party, they headed off.

The ride was short and fun, Spencer received her driver license a couple days ago and was excited to make her first drive to a party —Sophia had to remember her almost every minute that she couldn't get too drunk for their life sakes—, and with her party playlist sounding loudly from the stereo they drove through the empty streets until they reached the big house full of teenagers enjoying the last Saturday of summer.

Both girls climbed down the white car and walked trough the street until they reached the front door, the heavy beat of the songs that were playing inside sounded so much clearer. Spencer looked at her best friend with a giddy smile and Sophia squealed.

"Are you ready for it?"

"Just as much as Taylor did on reputation."

One hour turned into two, and two glasses into an inexplicable urge to dance on a table. Sophia loved parties, and even if she wasn't drunk enough to start acting out of her confort zone, the state of euphoria each of those teenagers had, made her feel dizzy and out of her mind.

Feeling like walking in a thread, Sophia made her way from the dance floor to the kitchen. Analyzing the room with her really bad eyesight, she only recognized one person and it was the least one she could ever think of meeting there.

So, Sophia made her way trough the crowded kitchen until she reached the boy. Touching his naked shoulder with her index finger and a toothy smile on her lips, she blurted out a happy hello.

"Did not expected to see you here, blondie." Sophia's cheeks blushed at the nickname and his smirk.

"I think I could say the same thing, Brodie." He shrugged while taking a drag of the joint that rested between his fingers.

Sophia could feel how her whole body started burning while standing next to him. A whole minute of blurry flashbacks from their first week of summer drowned her mind. And all she needed was a three seconds long eye contact and his hand touching her waist, to end up all over him once again.

It's not as she was complaining, well, the sun hasn't risen up yet.

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