Chapter 6

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DK: " My happiness was Sona Hineiji"

At this we all looked at each other. Everything kept leading to this Sona girl, and we were finally able to get some answers.

Y/N: " Who is Sona? She is all you ever talk about." I asked

Elizabeth: " Yes, I have been wondering that aswell."

DK: " Sona was the love of my life, and the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Her beauty was far too good for this world, making this horrible place jealous. So it took her away from me." He said which surprised us, but what he did next, we would never expect."

Tears began streaming down his face. His eyes held only pain and remorse as he clenched his fist, in what seemed to be anger.

Merlin: ' He shouldn't be able to show any emotion. This is only his soul, this shouldn't be possible. It seems the pain of losing this girl imprinted on his very soul.'

My parents, after seeing the pain in his eyes, looked at him with pity. It seemed that they thought he was just a raging monster, but he was as hurt as everyone else. I broke the silence before asking one more question.

Y/N: " So why do you keep annoying me about her then? Isn't she your lover?"

His eyes then turned to rage as he stared at me. The tears stopped streaming and he clenched his fist even harder.

DK: " You forgot her." He said

Y/N: " So that's it!? Just because I forgot some random girl, you torment me every moment of my life!"

Upon hearing my outburst, his face returned to its emotionless state. Surprising us all, he walked out of the magic circle with little to no effort. My father took a defensive stance while Merlin prepared a spell. When he reached me he touched my head with two fingers and a smile appeared on his face.

DK: " You call what is happening to you torment? No no, you haven't experienced true pain yet. Don't worry though, I will remind you of your biggest failure, and only then will you truly suffer." He said as he turned into smoke and merged with me.

I dropped holding my head as images flashed through my mind. They were my memories, specifically of Sona and the time I spent with her. Though it also reminded me of my greatest failure and the pain I felt on that day. I let out a scream in pain as I rewatched her death in my head. Soon, tears streamed down my face as I remembered my purpose.

Meliodas P.O.V
We all watched as the soul reentered Y/N's body and he dropped to the ground screaming.

Meliodas: " Y/N, what's wrong?" I asked as I ran towards him though got no response. I bent down to his level to check for any injuries, but what I saw was surprising. He was crying, and looked as though he was broken. I wondered what happened that could cause him to become like this, then a realization came. ' W-What if he has his memories back?' I thought as I stepped back cautiously. If he remembered, everyone would be in danger and I had no hope of stropping him. Though while I was in deep thought, he got up and looked towards us. His eyes were the same as the soul's, full of sadness and pain, with no light whatsoever.

Y/N: " I-I'm going back home" he said as he walked to the door.

Merlin: " Wait! We still don't know what he did to you so please stay here."

Y/N: " I'm sorry, there's just something I have to do" he replied.

The look in his eyes made me feel horrible. They were the same eyes he had as a child, eyes showing a person who has given up. I always regretted making him suffer so much as a boy, and knew that when he remembered he would hate me, though right now I was trying my best to make up for my mistakes.

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