Prologue: Part 1

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A/N: In this story the curse was lifted when Ban found Meliodas' emotions in purgatory. So most of this story won't be true to the manga or anime( I wanted to make it interesting since if it followed the manga and anime it would get kind of boring). Also this story will be a bit slow paced so I won't skip a lot because the topics will be new.

Bold= Full of emotion or important.
()= Comment
'= Thinking
"= Speaking


Once upon a time, there were two souls who fell in love. One was a demon, while the other was a Goddess. Their love defied the rules of this world and many races questioned them. While they saw something that was beautiful most saw something wretched, especially their parents. As punishment for such insolence they were both placed under curses by none other than their parents; The Demon King and The Supreme Diety. The Goddess girl was made to reincarnate every time she had died, to only fall in love with the demon every time, while the demon was made immortal and had to watch his love die over and over again while slowly losing his emotions. Throughout their journey to release themselves from the curse they met 7 people who became their best friends and were a crucial part in their release from the curse. Those people were: an immortal thief, a wingless fairy, a self-conscious giant, an emotion less puppet, a witch who craved knowledge and a human with so much pride, he burned. Together with the perverted demon, they made a group called the Seven Deadly Sins who after years of trying finally released the curse on the goddess and demon, bringing peace to the world.

After many years the two finally got married and became king and queen of Liones. During this time they had three children, which were their pride and joy. Their first child was named Lux the oldest, and was said to have looked exactly like his father while inheriting his demonic powers.

 Their first child was named Lux the oldest, and was said to have looked exactly like his father while inheriting his demonic powers

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Then there was the youngest child Hanah who inherited her mother's Goddess genes with her father's yellow hair.

Then there was the youngest child Hanah who inherited her mother's Goddess genes with her father's yellow hair

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They both excelled in magic from birth and that impressed our parents greatly, while there was me. Their second child was named Y/N and he didn't seem to inherit anything from his parents. He had no magical abilities whatsoever and had pitch black hair. His face was also different from his parents' and this caused them to question his life.

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