Prologue: Part 2

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Y/N: I woke up in the same place from last night. I couldn't feel the warm sun or the cool breeze of the wind anymore, all I could feel on my body was pain. Weirdly with all this pain on my skin, I noticed that i wasn't able to cry anymore. I no longer felt sadness, all I felt was a burning hatred for my siblings, for my family, for this world.

Hanah P.O.V.
I walked down stairs to notice that my parents looked worried. It made me feel scared because I've never seen them looked like that before.

Meliodas P.O.V.
I was talking to Elizabeth about the problem we were facing. I had sensed that our daughter was watching but that did not concern me.

Meliodas: "Elizabeth, something has been bothering me" I said with my voice full of fear.

Elizabeth: "What is it Meliodas?" She asked, obviously worried about me.

I stayed quiet for a while, unsure of if I should tell her.

Elizabeth: "Meliodas please" she said while holding my hand gently.

Meliodas: I sighed before saying "Okay. Last night something woke me from my sleep which sent me into a state of panic. I sensed a power level that was higher than my Assault Mode"

This surprised elizabeth, because my assault mode was strong enough to scare the Goddesses. What I said next, made her horrified.

Meliodas: "This extremely high power level was coming from the castle, specifically Y/N's room".

Elizabeth: " That's impossible, he has no magical power!!!We even had merlin examine him, and she said he was defective" she said loud enough to deafen me.

Meliodas: " I know, I know, but what I felt said different".

We both then had a moment of silence.

Meliodas: " But the sheer size of his power wasn't the only thing that scared me. The amount of rage and malice in the energy was what sent a shiver down my spine. The only other being that has an aura this dense with hatred is The Demon King"

Elizabeth's eyes were full of fear when she heard that name. The Demon King was one of the reasons she and I suffered for so many centuries. To hear that her son and the Demon King were similar, crushed her heart.

Meliodas: " Elizabeth, you know what we have to do right? His power is too strong and evil to stay in this world" I said with a serious tone.

Elizabeth: " I know and I'm ready." She said with a serious tone as well.

We both then got up and headed towards Y/N's room ready to do what must be done.

Hanah P.O.V.
I saw my parents rushing up to my brother's room so I snuck behind them and quickly ran to big brother Lux's room.

Meliodas P.O.V
Me and my wife opened our son's bedroom door and head inside to grab our son. We noticed that he was sleeping and that his body was in horrible condition but we didn't pay much attention to it. We then quickly picked him and carried him to to a good friend of ours. The trip took about an hour but we finally reached someone who could help us. That person was Merlin the boar sin of gluttony.

Merlin P.O.V
I was reading one of my books, when I heard a knock on my door. I answered only to see Meliodas and Elizabeth at my door with an extremely small child sleeping in their arms.

Merlin: " Hello you two, what do I owe this pleasure?" I asked genuinely curious.

Meliodas: " Merlin we have a problem" he said

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