Chapter: 4

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Meliodas P.O.V
We all watched as Elizabeth charged a massive Ark in her hands. I tried to tell her to stop but Merlin teleported us all outside before I could. The area was then engulfed in a white light as everything was disintegrated.

Meliodas: "Elizabeth. How could you do that?" I asked with my hair covering my eyes.

Elizabeth: " How could I do what? Protect my family?" She retorted.

Meliodas: " Elizabeth that was our son" I said with a sad look on my face.

Elizabeth: " What do you mean?" She asked obviously confused.

Meliodas: " That boy was Y/N, our second child."

Elizabeth: " That can't be possible!"

Immediately Elizabeth began to regret her decision. This was different from before because this time she killed him. Though before she could cry Diane caught our attention.

Diane: " Everyone look there" she said while pointing at the crater.

In the center there was a black orb hovering above the ground.

In the center there was a black orb hovering above the ground

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The orb then disappeared as Y/N's body fell to the ground. It seemed that he used his remaining magic to protect himself. We all rushed towards him as I put my head against his chest, checking for a heartbeat. It was faint but he was still alive. I then ran to Merlin hoping she could heal him.

Meliodas: " Merlin please help him." I said frantically.

Merlin: " I'm sorry but I won't. He has attacked us two times already and it is too risky to keep him alive. Letting him die will do more good for the world than when he is alive." She said with a serious look on her face.

Elizabeth: " Please Merlin, I will do anything" she pleaded.

Meliodas: " Me aswell, just help him please." I said with tears building up in my eyes.

She then stared at us for a while before she decided to fulfill our wishes. She then started to explain to us what she would do as precautions.

Merlin: " I will heal him, but only if u accept my conditions. I will remove his memories and replace them with fake ones and seal away 90% of his power." She said.

Elizabeth and I then looked at each other before agreeing to her conditions.

We were there waiting for Y/N to be healed, when the others started questioning me about him.

King: " Is that boy really your son captain?" He asked while resting on his pillow.

Gowther: " Yes I wondered that as well.  He neither has your features or similar magical power. The only thing in common with you two is that you are both demons." He said while examining me.

The Pain I Felt( Neglected Son of Meliodas story)Where stories live. Discover now