Chapter Twenty:Harry- London

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Five days had passed since Astrid and I had that horrible fight and honestly I couldn’t get her out of my mind. Her broken expression like I had slapped her. Like I had cut her deeper than any blade could.  And truthfully I didn’t know why I had said those things to her. She was my friend. At least I thought she was because a friend would not have said the things she said to me. What she said really hurt but she was partially right. She had warned me to take it seriously and I didn’t so kind of deserve it. But still she shouldn’t have said those things to me and I shouldn’t have said what I said to her.

“Harry, we’re leaving.” Gemma, my sister, said to me pulling me out of my thoughts. My family had come to spend the Christmas with me. Honestly apart from what had happened between Astrid and me, these Christmas was the best Christmas in my life. My family had come to London to celebrate Christmas with me and on Christmas Day the boys had come to my flat with their families to spend the day together. Everything was so great because all the people I loved were here to spend those festive days together. I couldn’t stop smiling especially after we had exchange our presents. I loved opening my presents. The feeling of unwrapping my presents because I couldn’t wait to see what was underneath made my heart skipped a beat.

“Let me walk you to the door.” I suggested and I stood up from my bed and followed my sister through the corridor to the living room where my mum and my stepfather were. Their suitcases were waiting by the door. I had begged them to stay till New Year’s Eve but they wanted to go back and spend the New Year’s Eve with their neighbors plus the lads and I were invited to Astrid’s party though I doubted I was still invited after what I had said to her. I hugged my mum and my stepfather wishing them to have a good trip. “I love you, Harry!” my mum said. “I know, mum, I love you too.” I said. “I’ve grown up so quickly. But for me you’re still my little boy.” She said. “I know mum. I miss you too. Now you have to go or you will miss you flight.” I said as they headed to the door.

“Don’t I get a hug?” my sister pouted. I smiled at her and hugged her. “I love you, sis.”  I whispered in her ear as we hugged each other. “I love you too.” she replied. I was ready to let her go but she hugged me ever tighter and she buried her face in my shoulder and whispered so silently only for me to hear. “I don’t know what or who is on your mind but I know that whatever has been bothering you it can be fixed. Just be you and everything will work out. I believe in you, Harry. Don’t ever forget that.” She said and she let me go. I was stunned by what she had said to me and I just smiled at her. As they were in the elevator I said goodbye to everyone one more time. “I’ll see you soon.” My sister replied to me winking at me and closed the door so that they could go down and leave the building.

Now that they had really left I laid to the couch and  opened the television hoping for some distraction because I wasn’t ready to think of what my sister had said to me. She knew. She knew somehow that something had happened that kept me distracted. Nothing on television caught my eye so I couldn’t help but think how I could apologize to Astrid.

 I had told the boys what had happened and they said unanimously to call her and apologize to her. But every time I had decided to call her I could bring myself to press call. Maybe I was really afraid of what I would say to her if she did answered her phone something I seriously doubted  since I was pretty she didn’t want to see me again in my life. And I could wait till o whole week till the practices started again when I would be forced to see her again. What if I texted her? No, no. It’s too impersonal. But still I have to figure out a way to see her and said to her how sorry I was.

Many things crossed my mind and nothing was good enough for me. Gemma had said to be myself and then everything would work out. but how could I be myself when all I wanted to be was Astrid’s friend and apparently Astrid and myself was not the best ‘buddies’. What could I do to make things better? What? What? What?

That was the moment that I realized how much I needed  to see, to talk to her. That was the moment that I realized  that I liked her. But I would never confess it to anyone other than myself of course, because because I was sure she would never like me like that.

But I really needed to see her to say to her that I regret every word. To see her face when I say those words to her, to tell her how sorry I am.

And since I wouldn’t bring myself to call her I decided to do what I had never done before.

I decided to go to her house.

I was so sure of my decision that didn’t waste a second. I took in my coat and went out in the pouring rain to find her.

Once inside the car I typed her address to my G.P.S. and started driving in the streets of London hoping that there would be no blackout tonight.

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