Beat the Limit

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Episode 15

Opens to the same scene where Smith is knocked out before in the middle of the chaotic battle Ren and the Chrysolline army was carrying all of the Unconcious Heroes to a destroy seperately and two people are hiding in a compartment
Anslem:We can't just leave them get taken by
Edimon:Got any better ideas?
Anslem:Let's Rescue Them if we don't then we'll be dead as well
Edimon:How Sneak on the Ship secretly?
Edimon:Let's wait for them to go through the ship then we hide into another compartment
Anslem:The Battle is getting weaker here both forces are starting to lose their army
Edimon:Rescuing them is our only chance
Anslem:I always wanted to see how high the clouds are and what it looks like
Edimon:Well let's gear up and get to them
The Scene cuts and it shows a giant destroyer carrying them high up in the clouds*
Smith wakes up in a shock in a part of the Ship
Smith:*Gasp*Where are we?(worried)
Maxious:In a ship(visible sadness)
Silverrighly:Towards Chrysolline(visible sadness)
Tron:To be Executed there(almost crying)
Smith:We can't just give up we need to get out of this ship
Amelia:Give it up Smith we have lost its over and we're gonna be dead soon..(feeling hopeless)
Smith:We can't give up we need to find a way I know it's hard for us but we need to escape somehow I'm not gonna be killed by the Chrysolline and everyone here as well
Then someone in a hooded cloak walks toward the cell
Flyn:Who are youcan you leave us alone for a Minute you won't be seeing us again soon so give us a break
Edimon:Ahhh?why are you so mad we are gonna break you out and you are complaining??
Edimon:Shhhhsss we're gonna free all of you don't worry
Anslem:I'll keep guard here free them
Edimon Walks toward the cell chamber and deactivated the controls and the cells vanishes
Amelia:Thank you Edimon(slightly being cheerful)
Righly:Alright we're freed but are we just gonna wait here till someone kills us??..
Smith:Were gonna escape this ship(determined)
Smith:There's a Station here with a Ship that can bring us all back to Dreamworld
Tron:Ohh I see I'll be able to power one lemme fix the ship
Amelia:The Resistance?
Maxious:The Ship is still getting shot by the Resistance they trying to rescue us too
Smith:We need to get to the Control center and pilot it back and the Ship Station needs to be authorized
Anslem:We got company(Yelling)
Guard 1:Why is this cell Empty?
Anslem:You picked the Wrong Cell Fool!
*The Guard turns Around and gets hit with a Ice Mace and Dies*
Maxious:Alright the Guards out let's move
*The Crew splits Amelia heads over with Tron to the Ship chambers*
Smith:Were almost at the Control Center
Smith:It's Ren(confident worried expression)
Maxious:Brother go to the Control Center  and Fight your way to the Guards we need the Ship to depart for us to escape I'll deal with Ren we have some duel we haven't finished
Smith:Are you sure(worried)
Maxious:GoI gotta end this duel with Ren for so long it's been a decade..
Smith:Be safe and well meet you in the escape station if something goes wrong
*Cuts to a Scene of a Hall way*
*Silverrighly and Samurai X is deflecting Shots and weapons and the Control center gate broke down*
Edz:WHAT(Suprised and angry)
Edz grabs her staff and Edimon rushes towards Edz deflecting the staff and Unarming Edz and Anslem uses his ice ability to freeze Edz
Edz:You'll blow us all if you touch the wrong buttons!!!(Shouting)
Smith:Lemme Pilot this thing
*The Steering Wheel Snapped*
Smith: NOOOOO whyyy
*Cuts back to  Hallway*
Ren:So Maxious we meet again
Ren:I can't believe after all this time your still here fighting for what your brother fought for
Ren:Don't you see your unarmed and weak I can easily destroy you what can you do?
Ren:Have it your way
Ren summons a Crystal sword and Armor
Maxious:Summons his Pheumo fist and Charges each other with each Fist Maxious was able to dodge rens' sword and Grabs it with he's Gauntlet and Shattering it though the wall Ren gets summons he's fist as well and Punches each other Maxious kicks Ren but Ren uppercuts Maxious throwing him and Maxious punches Ren and the Armor broke Maxious tried to hit Ren in the head but ren grabs Maxious and Slams him into the ground Breaking a large portion of the Tile down Maxious rises up from the ground and pounces over ren and keeps punching Ren in the face broking he's face armor by several extreme fist damage But Ren uses he's dash skill and slams Maxious again from the wall instead and falls down
Maxious is in serious injury and Ren is just standing
Maxious rises up slowly and Enrages he's fist turning it into a brother red color and Attacks Ren Ren missed a punch in Maxious and Maxious punches Ren to the ground and when Ren turns around Maxious PUNCHES his face Blinding Ren as the battle took place The damages were massive around the place Smith was able to pilot a ship but pressed a button and the half of the ship exploded
Smith:Ahhh my baddd again
The Ship Station exploded
Tron:Okay let's go Amelia the ship is now collapsing(Alerted)
*Maxious gets up and regroups with the Others and went straight to Ship Station*
Edimon:DAD(Happy and Suprised)
Maxious:There's no time we need to get out of this Destroyer before it CRASHES!!
*Edz breaks through the ice and and ran away grabs Ren and teleports away Tron pilots the ship and made it to take off the chrysolline ship and starts going towards Arizime
Guard 1-the guard Anslem hit
Guard 1:NOT SO FAST KID(Angry)
The guard fires a homing missile through an emergency and hidden button and hits the ship to where Smith and the others took off and the main ship of the chrysolline explodes mid air
Tron:Were going down(Trying to control the panels)
The scene cuts towards the destroyer and the other thruster is damaged and the ship nears to a crash Edimon uses his water ability to control the ship to avoid landing but failed due to the heaviness and Smith uses his shield to break the fall  The Elemental ward broke into pieces along with the ship due to crash land
Righly*slightly gets up*:WOOOOOO we survived(falls)
Maxious:Nice one Smith(Relived while holding Smith's shoulder)
Smith:You should be worried you're the one recked
Maxious:I'm fine*gets up slightly*
*Void Emperor Draws an Axe on Maxious' head*
Void Emperor:Are you forgetting something!!!??
*Then someone draws a Reaper and redirects the Axe*
Dominus:Your move?(drawing his reaper to the Void Emperor)
Phanthom:It all ends here
Smith:Stop both of youTHIS MADNESS had gone far too long
Smith:STOP this meaningless fighting GO BACK TO YOUR DIMENSION!!
*Void Emperor draws his Axe but Dominus has him in a Locked up position and the Void is surrounded with a small group of Arizime Reinforcements*
Void Emperor:Very Well..*Teleports away with the rest of the void*
Amelia:Finallyyyy it's over(Tired and Relived)
Phanthom:We will leave but this is not over Smith..
The Rest of the Void dissapeared and it's left with the heroes in the Spaceship Wreckage
Maxious:We need some rest first(Exhausted)
Then Cuts towards a night scene
Smith:Are you okay Maxious?
Maxious:I'm fine but I can heal myself
Smith:Don't worry you'll recover I have some medicine do you want some?
Maxious:Maybe a few...
Smith:Rhea??? what are you doing here
Rhea:I heard that you guys landed back here safely?? I thought of coming to a visit
Tron:You call this safe landing? The ship is in an absolute wreckage but yeahhh we're fine
Smith:Umm rhea can you give me a moment *nervous*
Maxious Smith and Amelia went to a chamber first
Smith:Are you sure I'm getting kinda nervous
Amelia:You got this
Smith:Ohh ok*Confidence back*
Smith walks with Amelia and Maxious and Smith approached Rhea
Smith:Rhea Dawn?
Smith:Umm rhea I want to get to know you better
Rhea hugs Smith and gives him a kiss as the moon goes up
Tron:(Hooollllly crab *Falls down in the chair he is sitting)

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