A Dangerous Training

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Episode 12 Chapter 2

After smith goes to Dominus the scene opens to where Dominus is waiting with Smith down stairs
Smith meets up with several people but commonly with a Swordsman and Dominus
Dominus:This will be the Training Grounds
Smith:A Little Different than The Sky Isles the bricks in the ground are very sturdy compared to the Sky Isles
Dominus:It's Different here in the Crimson
Ember:So this is him eh  PATHETHIC!
Obi:Hey back off Dude!!
Ember:Let's see what you are Warden
*Ember leaves and walks off the Training Ground*
Obi:Don't let him get to you(Angers and grins)
Smith:I'll show him(Utter Disgust)
Obi:Smith you should becareful you are not from the Crimson you cannot channel your energy into an attack it will destroy your humanity if you are not careful and since we used Crimson Magic you should be cautious.. Don't let him get to your head Smith
*Dominus Draws his Reaper Toward Smith and Smith Uses he's new Staff for the Training*
*The Scene begins as a Training Flash scenes appear Smith falls In the First Attempt then Another scene which Smith is able to get a few hits before getting disarmed then after a couple of Scenes Smith is the One able to disarm Dominus but with Quicker Attacks and the Training Ends*
*Then Cuts to the Training Grounds Again*
Dominus Summons Several Knights using his power several knights appear made out of Crimson Stone
Ember:Let's see what is this warden is capable off
Smith walks with his Staff ready in position
The Knights Charge toward Smith
Smith Slides towards the Knights and Stabs it from the Back Causing the Summoned knight to dissentagrate and Jumps toward the Fallen Knight and Stabs the other one too then Smith Fights the Other knight using he's staff but eventually kills the Knight and the Final knights Smith uses he's New Ability to Fire a Beam using he's staff to it
Ember:I think I seen enough(Suprised but feeling modest)
Dominus:You're Up!
Ember Draws his Axe and Smith Retrieves he's Staff and Points it at Ember the two jump at each other and Hits then lands to the ground Smith Quickly Disarms Ember
Ember:No I can't lose!!!!
*Ember gets his Axe back and knocks Smith back and prepares to chop him*
*Obi gets his sword in the back and desolates the axe then Smith kicks Ember and throws him off Smith's Anger for Ember got to him which he delivered many punches then losing control and falling Ember runs for he's life away from the Grounds*
Obi:Hey are you ok??Smith
Smith didn't respond for a while but responses with a low voice Smith Grabs his staff and walks away completely ignoring obi
Obi:Dude what's wrong with you
Dominus:What just happened?
Zephros:I thy warned you about this
Zephros:Crimson Magic is no joke he managed to control and gain a new skill but it overcame it cause of ember
Dominus:Don't worry I'll stop him
Then Rhea appear from a portal with a Same staff too Smith and Rhea battles each other using both long weapons having the same advantage But in a series of combat Rhea hugged Smith which causes the rage and the crimson magic to be normal again
Smith:*GASP: Rhea's(Shocked)

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